Chapter 11

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               It was two weeks before their next competition. Sabrina started getting more competitive with Melanie. Most of the girls started getting just as competitive as Sabrina except for Melanie and Josie. They didn't care who won. The only difference between Melanie and Josie is Josie enjoys barrel racing and Melanie doesn't. "Alright girls, time to talk about our next competition. It is in two weeks. It is very important that we do our very best. The competitions are going to get tougher. So, you have to work hard these two weeks." Donna explained. "We won't let you down, Donna."  Sabrina said with a smile. Of coarse, she was faking being all kind. She is just trying to be this perfect girl. "Good." Donna replied. The lesson was over after Donna explained everything and the kids started dismounting their horses. "I really don't want to go to another competition." Melanie said to Josie as they led their horses back to the barn. "I am kinda excited about it. I didn't get to do it last time." Josie said. "You will love it, Josie." Melanie said with a smile. Even though Melanie didn't enjoy barrel racing, she knew that Josie loved it. Josie smiled back at Melanie then they both put the horses on the cross ties to be untacked. "So, what are you going to do about jumping?" Josie asked as she put her tack in the tack room. "I have no idea. There is really nothing I can do about it." Melanie replied. Melanie led Maggie back to her stall and kissed her goodbye. "Love you girly." Melanie whispered. Josie came up and hugged Melanie. "Bye Mel." Josie said. "Bye Josie." Melanie replied. Melanie headed to the car where her mom was waiting. "Mom, can I talk to you?" Melanie asked as she climbed into the car. "Of coarse, dear." Agetha replied. Agetha started the car and they were on their way home. "Mom, I have been barrel racing since I was 9 years old and now I am 12. I just feel like since I am getting older that I should try new things. I would to just once try jumping and see if I like it. We are all different mom. I have never been passionate about barrel racing and I shouldn't be forced to do something I don't have a passion for." Melanie explained the best she could. "Honey, I told you. I don't want you jumping. It is too dangerous." Agetha replied. "But mom, all equine sports are dangerous. You got to know that when you put your daughter on a 1200 pound animal that anything can happen. For crying out loud I sprained my wrist from barrel racing." Melanie said. "I know that, dear but I just don't want you jumping. Okay? It's either barrel racing or no riding at all." Agetha finally snapped. Melanie didn't reply. Melanie had no idea what to say after her mom said that. "When is your next competition?" Agetha asked as they arrived home. "It's in two weeks." Melanie replied in a rude tone. Melanie slammed the car door and ran upstairs to her room. Agetha sighed then went into the kitchen to start dinner. Melanie just laid in her bed thinking about what it would be like if her mom allowed her to jump. A few minutes later, Melanie's phone went off. It was a text from Mya. 

........................Text messages between Mya and Melanie........... 

Mya: Hey, how is the barrel racing coming along? 

Melanie: Fine.. I guess.. 

Mya: I wish I could do it with you. You would have more fun if I was there. 

No way Melanie thought. 

Melanie: Look, me and you have gone our separate paths. I think we need to stay that way. You don't accept me for who I am. 

Mya: That's because you are supposed to be my barrel racing best friend. We had a blast barrel racing together then all the sudden you wanted to stop. That's why I was mad. 

Melanie: Mya, people change. If you can't accept that then we shouldn't be friends. There are other things I want to try. 

Mya: Aren't you thinking about jumping? That sounds stupid.. 

Melanie: Mya enough! I have a real best friend who actually supports me. 

Mya: Who?? Josie?? Did you even tell her about not wanting to barrel race anymore? I am sure she would be just as mad. 

Melanie: Actually, I finally did tell her. You want to know what she said?? She said she will support me jumping. She encourages me, more than you ever did. She is my real best friend. 

Mya: Fine. I guess this friendship is over. 

Melanie: Fine. 

......................................End of text............... 

Agetha then walked in to check on Melanie. "Who are you texting?" Agetha asked. "Nobody.." Melanie lied. Agetha sat on the bed. "What are you upset about?" Agetha asked. Melanie sighed. "Well, for one you won't let me jump. All I want to do is try it. Second, I did get a text from someone and it was from Mya. So, that is why I am so upset." Melanie explained. "Why would you be upset if your best friend texts you?" Agetha asked. "She is not my best friend, mom. She doesn't accept me for me." Melanie replied. "She has been your best friend for four years." Agetha said. "Yeah, and through all those years she never once encouraged or supported me unless I was barrel racing." Melanie said. "What is wrong with that?" Agetha asked. "Because, I don't want to barrel race mom! A best friend should encourage you no matter what!" Melanie snapped. "Well, I told you a billion times. You're not jumping!" Agetha yelled. "Okay! I am just saying! She should encourage me! Same as you! You're my mom and you should support me!" Melanie yelled. Agetha sighed then walked out of the room. Melanie laid back down and went to sleep. She didn't even come down to eat. It was a long day for Melanie and she was thankful it was over. 

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