time to think

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After counselling i said goodbye to Chloe i walked back to my room i had agreed to call Harri at five so i got my phone from my bag my head was reeling over what had happened in one day i had left my boyfriend to go to a phsic ward told random strangers about my rape and fallen for a girl i just met how would i tell Harri? will i tell Harri? no not yet ill wait see if the feelings grow. As soon as it hit five i called Harri "Hello beautiful i miss you already" he said but something was missing i felt different no warm feeling "hi babe how to say this... i don't think we should call daily so i can concentrate on recovering" i said "yes i was going to say the same, well i got to go i love you " he said i couldn't bring myself to say i love you back so i just hung up and took the battery out to stop me looking at photos and texting Harri. I put my phone in to my draw and Chloe came in "dinner" she almost sung "I'm not ..." i coat myself saying it and stopped "I'm coming now" i smiled

she laught "oh are you, come on then" i smiled she's perfect i thorgt

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