He Kissed Me

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         The next morning I woke up and I felt arms around me. All the memories from last night hit me and I smiled. I heard soft snores and I saw Ryder asleep. He looked so cute while he was sleeping. I had lost all of my feelings for Chris and for Ricky. I had two other boyfriends and that was all. Ryder's eyes flutter open and I smiled at him. He smiled back and he hugged me by squeezing us together. I giggled and he chuckled.

"Morning Ryder" I said.

"Morning Violet" he said.

"What do we do today?" I asked.

"Do you have work?" He asked.

"Yeah but at night" I said.

"Where do you work?" He asked.

"Um at Wolf Howl" I said.

"The bar?" He asked.

"He I am a bar tender I do the drinks but I don't do the dances" I said.

"Oh ok so what time do you start I can take you an pick you up if you want?" He asked.

"Yeah sure I start work at nine and get off at three" I said.

"Ok I'll take you and pick you up ok" he said.

"Ok now let eat I am hungry" I said. I turned to get up but Ryder's arms pull me back down.

"Not yet" he said.

"What will a take for you to let me go" I said.

"Just say please" he said.

"Can you please let me go I'll go make food for the both of us" I said.

"Ok" he said.

I laughed and then he did too. I walked to the kitchen and I put my hair in a bun. I grabbed some eggs and bacon and stared to cook. I felt a presence behind me but I didn't really turn around I ignored it.

"Boo!" Ryder yelled.

I squealed and jumped. Ryder was standing their laughing his ass off. I crossed my arms and just stared at him. Soon I was laughing along with him. We both calmed down and Ryder was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your cute when you laugh" he said.

"Oh stop it you" I said.

        In that moment my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. Vinny. I walked back out to the living room and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Violet" Vinny's voice said.

"Hey yeah it me" I said.

"How my little sister been?" I asked.

"I've been goo Vinny how about you and the guys" I asked.

"I've been good and the guys are ok we all miss you" He said.

"I missed you too it's been so long" I said.

"Far to long, when are you coming back Violet?" He asked.

"Soon Vinny I promise hopefully by the end of this month" I said.

"Ok I love you Violet" he said.

"I love you too Vinny you'll see your sister soon" I said.

"Ok I'll see you soon Vio" he said.

"Bye Vinny" I said.

"Bye!" I heard the guys say.

"Love you guys bye" I said.

        I hung up the phone and smiled. I laughed a little and hopefully I get to leave by the end of month. The month ends in two weeks and I have two weeks to figure out if I want to go back. I walked back in the kitchen and their were two plates set out with food on it and Ryder sitting down.

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