Perfect Day

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Being back home was amazing I finally get to be with the guys. I had just woken up and I was getting ready for the day. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and then I went to my room to change. I put on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, black crop top, black biker boots and my leather jacket. My makeup was a black smoky eye with red lipstick. I raised my sleeves on my leather jacket and went downstairs. I saw the guys talking and sitting in the kitchen or standing.

"Morning guys" I said.

"Morning" they all said.

"Morning babe" I said walking to Ricky.

"Morning beautiful" Ricky said and peeked my lips.

"How did you guys sleep after being on tour?" I asked.

"Best sleep I've had in months" Ryan said.

"Me too" Chris said.

"Violet still up for that drum battle" Vinny said.

"You're on" I said.

"Guys its to early" Ghost said.

"Later on today" Vinny said.

"Deal" I said.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Ricky asked.

"Bacon!" All the guys yelled.

"Ok bacon it is" Ricky said laughing.

The guys moved to the living room and Ricky went to the fridge. He grabbed bacon and eggs and I helped him. I did the eggs while he did the bacon for all of us. Kylie and Gaiapatra were here but they were with Ghost and Chris. It was good not being the only girl in the house for once. And I am happy for Ghost that he moved on from Veronica. When we were done we called everyone and we eat. While we were eating my phone was ringing and it was Colin.

"Hey Colin" I said getting up and walking to the hallway.

"Hey Violet" he said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We are having a band meeting" he said.

"Ok let me just finish eating and I'll head their" I said.

"And bring your guitar Kyle has a new song for us to try out" he said.

"Ok see you in a bit" I said.

I hung up my phone and I walked back into the kitchen. I looked at everyone and I smiled. I sat down next to Ricky and he asked me who I was talking to. I eat quickly and I went up to my room and grabbed my guitar. I grabbed my keys and I was walking out the door when I was pulled by my arm. A pair of lips smashed on my lips and I knew it was Ricky because of his piercings. I smiled on the kiss and I looked up to him and smiled.

"I'll be back soon" I said.

"Drive safe, I love you" He said.

"I will and I love you too" I said.

"Bye" He said.

"Bye" I said.

"Bye Violet!" I heard the rest yell.

"Bye guys" I said.

I laughed and I heard the rest laughing as well. I got on my car and I stared to drive. I finally got to Kyle's house and I knocked on him door. Jeremy opened the door and I smiled and he let me in.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hey Violet" all the guys said.

"So Colin told me you had a new song" I said.

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