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Khalil POV

I didn't think breaking up with her would make me feel so shitty. I know that "I love her" bullshit is very played out considering in every fan-fiction about me or some other celebrity, the celebrity and their significant other just so happen to fall in love with each other, but it really did seem like I was beginning to love her. She was different from the other hoes.

She's not as easy to get. It took me a minute to get her to be mine, even though I could've batted my eyes and blew a kiss and she'd been falling for me in a second. I didn't feel the same way now that we weren't together anymore. I know two weeks of isolation and not speaking made us drift apart from each other, but now that we were officially over and I put my hands on her twice, she'll never forgive me and Logan and Julia were sure going to be on my ass about how this is a repeat of Stacey. I was not ready to deal with Señorita Loca and Lindsey Lohan - I mean Logan.

Just as I was about to call Keke back and apologize for everything, my phone started ringing.

"Hey man, what's up?" I answered.

"What the fuck happened to Keke?" Avery yelled. "Why did I pick her up a couple blocks from your house and she was crying her eyes out?"

The sudden pang of guilt was evident in my stomach and I couldn't help but to gulp. My eyes stung and I know tears were involuntarily about to come.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean... Keke was crying about your ass and said you threw her against the wall. Man, did you lose your fucking mind?"

I couldn't help but to sigh and feel more guilty than before. I technically did throw her against the wall, and I don't recall stopping at that. I was going crazy on her. I scared her shitless.

"Shit, probably."

Avery sighed and kissed his teeth. "Beware, Logan and Julia about to come through with Julia's boyfriend and brother. You're about to go through Hell."

I sighed and nodded my head even though he can't see me physically. He knew what I was doing. He knows me.

"I know. I just gotta wait." I responded. "I gotta go. My mom's home." I said as the door opens and closed with my mother's voice yelling through the house for me and Gavin and Gina.

"Guys. I'm home." she said.

I sighed with pleasure. Hearing her voice always brought peace to me. I liked the soothing way she talked. It was like she was singing.

"In here!" I shouted. Gavin and Gina were at their friends' house for a playdate. My mom didn't know about it, but my word usually goes when it was about my brother and sister. I practically raise them and do what my mom was supposed to be doing. I can't blame her since she's going through a lot just by working three jobs now and she has to pay bills and for my school next year. Even with my $24,000 scholarship, we still have a lot of money to pay.

My mother came upstairs to me and entered my room. She looked around and sarcastically smirked at the hole in the wall from when I slammed Keke. "Like what you did with the place." she said before finally looking at me. She gasped and rushed to my side like Keke did earlier today.  "What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?"

I waved her hand away and turned my head to try to block her view of the bruises. It's no use though. She already saw it. She's just as stubborn, if not more stubborn, than Keke.

"Khalil, what happened to you?" My mother asked sternly. The tone of voice she used made me realize that she wasn't joking around. That, I'd think, was the scary part of the situation. She was really mad this time...And the side of her that she calls "Mama Bear" was showing.

Mama Bear was the protective side of my mother. One of my favourites when it was for Gavin and Gina - not me. That was also one of her scariest sides as well. Besides nurturing and caring, my mother's Mama Side was not very merciful when it came to the protection of her kids.

As much as I wanted to let her beat the shit out of It., I couldn't let her go to jail for attempted murder or for actual murder. I'd rather just fight the guy when she's not home than get her in trouble.

"Khalil, I'm not kidding. What happened?" Mom was now yelling.

"I got into a fight. Isn't it obvious?" I sighed.

"With who?" She asked.

I ignored her and turned over in bed like I'd done earlier with Keke. My mom, however, was not having it. She grabbed my chin firmly with a manly grip and turned my head to face her.

"With. Who." Her eyes were darker than normal and her tone was deeper than usual. Quite a scary sight if you're not used to it.

"No one." I lied. Not for my personal gain,  but to protect my mom and unusually... It.

"Cut the bullshit, Khalil!" she now was yelling. "Who the hell did this to you?" I could see the tears start to form in the corner of her eyes. It broke my heart that I was the reason why my mom was crying.

I finally gave up and averted my gaze to anywhere but her face. I originally wanted to fight Uncle Travis on my own but due to the circumstances, he fucked me up.

"Uncle Travis." I mumbled, hoping and praying that she didn't hear me.

"Who?" She asked,  her voice shaky.

"Uncle Travis." I sighed. She sniffled and marched out the room. She slammed my door and came back moments later with frozen peas and Gavin and Gina. She handed the peas to me and told Gavin and Gina to stay in the room was me. I understood why but it's not like I can fight him in my condition.

"Keep the peas to your face to keep from swelling." She instructed towards me.

"Mama Bear will be back." She said, kissing their heads and blowing a kiss to me. Gavin and Gina were confused about what was going on. I thought it was better that way.

My mom walked out and slammed the door again. The room was completely silent.


I wasn't ready. lml. Just know that if this chapter sucks, it's because I wasn't taking a shit while writing.

Anyways, comment pleasee. vote. share.

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

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