Chapter 4

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Lathan moaned as I bobbed my head up and down slowly. I'd said I would give him some ass if he made me my favorite dish and he did so, and it was more amazing than the last time I had it so I gave him something extra.

"Ah fuck Toby, I'm going to c-cum..." Lathan moaned as he pulled a fist full of my hair. I continued to move, going slower and taking in more of him. I bobbed my head one last time before his hot cum came pouring into my mouth. I hummed as he came, enjoying the feeling of his throbbing pleasure and hot cum.

I licked up his manhood, taking in any cum that slipped past my lips. Lathan sighed in ecstasy as I moved closer to his face. "How was it Babe?" I asked as I ground against his still rock-hard manhood.

"Amazing..." He whispered before trapping me in a passionate kiss. I kissed back, enjoying the warmth and taste of his mouth. He moaned into my mouth and gripped my ass making me weak. We pulled away from each other, breathless.

"I want you Toby..." He whispered sexily. I smiled. "I want you too." I whispered back. He bit his lip and kissed my cheek. He continued down to my neck and began to bruise me, making me moan gently. As he did that I proceeded to grind against his member to make him wet.

Before I could think of the next thing to do Lathan shoved himself into me making me scream out in pain and pleasure. "Ride me Baby." He whispered viscously, turning me on. I began to move, gradually going faster and faster.

The faster I went the louder I moaned. "M-more...I w-want mo-re." I moaned in desperation. Lathan smirked devilishly before taking hold of my hard on. He began to stroke me slowly, too slow for me to fully enjoy it but just enough to relieve me a little.

"You like it Baby?" He asked and I nodded. He chuckled sinisterly before grabbing hold of my hips making me squeak softly. He lifted me off of him and I whined as his heat left my body. "Don't whine Sweetie." He said lowly.

He laid me on my back and towered over me. He came down to my lips and kissed me gently. I kissed back as a wave of pleasure ran through me. I moaned abruptly as he entered me with no warning. He started off slow but then ended up pounding into me relentlessly, leaving me to scream and moan in delectable pain.

"Harder!" I screamed as I arched my back in pure ecstasy. He did as I wished and went harder, so hard I could feel a bulge by my lower abdomen. "I love you Kitten." He whispered into my ear as he continued to go hard.

"I...I love y-you too D-Daddy." I stammered in pleasure. He thrusted into me one more time before pulling out and cumming all over my chest. He moaned loudly as he came, turning me on even more. "You want more Baby?" He asked me breathlessly. "Y-yes." I answered, equally as breathless.

He began to give me hickeys as his hand went down to my entrance. Two of his fingers pressed against my rosebud before entering me. I moaned as his fingers went in. He'd never fingered me before so I was excited for what it would feel like.

He slowly thrusted into me, letting me get used to his fingers. He then bent his fingers into my prostate making me moan out and tighten around them. He then began to go faster, making me moan louder. "A-ah...Lathaniel...i-it's so g-good." I moaned as I gripped his hair.

"Mmm, I'm glad you like it Kitten." He whispered sexily. He continued to hit my prostate which lead to my stomach tightening, my toes curling and my back arching. He thrusted one last time and I came all over myself, moaning out in pleasure.

He pulled his fingers out and licked them clean, all while making eye contact with me. "You taste amazing Tobias." He whispered with a little grin. I smiled and pulled him to me. I kissed him passionately getting a moan out of him.

"You're right, I do taste amazing."

Sexy, sexy, sexy times.
As Always...
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