Chapter 7

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"Is it weird that I want you to literally carry my babies?" I asked Toby which left him speechless for a second before he giggled. "It's not weird...just a little unusual because I'm a man but definitely not weird." He responded. "Weird and unusual have the same meaning, probably." I mumbled.

"Don't be dumb." He mumbled back. "Though—if I could, I'd carry your babies." He added. I looked at him and smiled. "Really?" I questioned. He nodded, still looking at the stars. "What would you name them?" I asked. "I don't know but definitely something to do with the something hopeful or angelic." He answered.

"I just...I love the sky so much y'know? It's like everything right with this world." He whispered in awe. "I wish I could go up there for a day, lay down on a cloud in the morning and dance with the stars at night." He continued.

"What's your favourite thing about the world Lathan?" He asked, looking at me for the first time since we got on the soft cool grass. I smiled at him before kissing him gently. "You." I answered as I pulled away from him. He smiled brightly as a blush coated his cheeks.

"I am?" He asked, his eyes watery and his voice high. I smiled sweetly at him and nodded. "You are." I confirmed and he let a couple tears slip by him.

"I love you so much Baby." He mumbled as he cuddled into my side. "I love you too Kitten." I whispered back. Before either of us could say anything his phone began to ring. He took it out and immediately went pale. He sat up and held the phone, watching it ring in complete and utter shock.

It's like he'd been frozen. I sat up to examine him. "Are you okay Kitten?" I asked. "I-I don't want to answer the phone..." He answered nervously. I took a look inside his mind to see he was going into overdrive so I took the phone from his hands and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked. "Um, hi...who's this?" A woman's voice questioned. I looked to Tobias only to see he was still frozen in shock. "I'm a friend of Tobias, he can't get to phone but I can take a message." I replied.

"A friend...well um, just tell him that his brother and sister called...tell him that we love him and we want to see him...and wish him a happy twenty-sixth. Bye." The woman said before hanging up. At that point the call was on speaker so he could hear what she had to say himself.

I put his phone in my pocket after looking at the notifications on his lock screens. "The guys are saying happy birthday." I said, cutting into the silence. "I..I'm sorry." He whispered, snapping out of his daze. "I don't know what that was..." He said, laying back down.

"It's okay, I get it." I responded. "You're scared to see them after so long, after things ended on a bad note and you leaving was more escaping they're abuse. You want to go back but a part of you is still terrified to death by him...them, still terrified of them." I stammered, getting lost in my own feelings.

Tobias noticed and studied me, making me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.

"You ran from home too...didn't you?" Tobias asked, sitting back up. "Yep...thankfully we're on good terms now, guess my mother made him go soft when she came back and after I left especially ." I mumbled but he heard me. "Where did your mother go?" He questioned.

"She was with her parents for a while, she was running from my father's chaotic behavior...leaving me to deal with it." I answered. "Chaotic behavior? He didn't hit you...did he?" He asked cautiously.

"No, hurt me once with his words but he never hit me. And yes, chaotic behavior. He was stressed about making me his successor. He never thought he'd have a child so when I came of age it really hit him that I was the heir to the throne. And that made him go insane for some reason.

So my mother left to let him and I hash it out. At some point it got too much and I sat down with both of them, told them I was leaving. Tsk, don't know why I bothered though, they didn't want me to go." I explained.

"Oh...I'm sorry you had to go through that." He whispered apologetically. "It's fine, we all have a light at the end of our're mine, so it's all good." I said, looking at the stars.

So tomorrow I'm leaving for Zim and I don't know when I'll be able to upload but I know I'll be able to at some point so stay strong with this last chapter. I might get another one up today or early hours of tomorrow but there's no guarantee. I do hope you enjoy your Christmas and have a splendid New Years. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and—
As Always...
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