Chapter 15

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I cuddled into Tobias as my nightmare got worse. I wanted to wake up but for some reason I couldn't. I never normally had dreams let alone nightmares but lately I'd been having some pretty terrible nightmares.

I know they're just things I'm worried about that are spawning these dreams from hell but they still just scare the shit out of me. For example before we came to Germany I had the recurring nightmare that once we got there Toby would just be rejected again and that broke my heart.

Thankfully that's not how it is.

I finally woke up heaving and sweating. I looked around me and caught sight of Tobias's sleeping figure. I smiled at his peaceful face and pecked his lips. I watched as he slept, staring in complete and utter awe.

I was so happy for him, his family accepted him and it made him so happy, almost as happy as when I'll propose to him. Oh I could see him jumping up and down already, tears in his eyes and his cheeks as red as tomatoes. I was ecstatic for that moment, I wanted to finally be able to call him mine.

"You're staring at me Lathan." He mumbled tiredly which made me smile. "You're just so beautiful Kitten." I whispered, cupping his cheek. "I like it when you call me that." He yawned. "I know you do Kitten." I whispered seductively, making him moan a little.

I smiled at him and pulled him closer, wanting to feel him against me. "You know, I'm gonna marry you one of these days right?" He asked lowly making my heart jump for joy. "I know and I'm excited for when you say yes." I replied.

"Yes." He mumbled adorably making me snicker at him. "I still need to ask you Kitten." I laughed at him. He groaned before shifting closer to me. "It's too late for that, I already said yes." He responded adorably. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Sleep you sleepy head." I whispered and he mumbled nothing before dozing off.

I smiled at him and kissed his forehead once again. How adorable was this man? I figured I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so instead I got up and took a shower. When I got back into the room Tobias was moaning from underneath the covers of the bed.

I was confused at first then I realized what he was doing. I'd admit I didn't know he touched himself or at least anymore. Nevertheless it was still a sexy sight to behold, one that fired me up too.

I walked to the bed and unwrapped my towel before getting in. He still hadn't noticed I was inside, that was until I kissed his neck gently. "Lathan..." He heaved. "Please..." He begged, letting go of his hard on. I smiled at him, knowing full well what he wanted and I gave it to him, just like any loving man would.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and left Tobias taking a shower. Upon getting downstairs I walked into the living room to find Jason sitting reading the newspaper. I sat across from him and stared out the window, not really thinking of much.

At least until Jason decided to speak.

"Are you planning on making my son your husband?" He asked plain and simple. I looked him dead in the eyes. "Yes, I am." I answered, making my dominance known. Yes his family had accepted him but maybe they hadn't quite accepted me and I didn't quite care about that though. I would marry him either way, he technically already was mine.

"I didn't mean to challenge you," Jason responded, picking up on my defensiveness. "I can see you really love my son and that's all that I want for him after everything he went through with us." He continued, sounding guilty.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him and he sighed. He looked at me with an unreadable expression. "Ignorance and lack of willingness to accept and appeal to new ideas." He answered. I could understand that, it was like my parents and me. Exactly the same actually.

"But you have a chance now." I said and he nodded. "That's what I'm most grateful for."

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