Chapter 13

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I held onto Tobias's shoulders as we stood outside his parent's house. We'd just gotten there and he seemed to be more nervous than a school kid doing their homework as it's being handed in. I rubbed his shoulders, trying to calm him and encourage him to knock on the door.

"I...I can't." He whispered. I kissed his hair gently and put my lips to his ear. "Yes you can, just go for it. I'm here with you, you're okay and if anything happens that you don't like, I can change it." I whispered back. He nodded his head and put his shaky fist up to the door before knocking.

He put his hand back on the wine bottle he was holding onto for dear life and stepped back against me. Footsteps made their way to the door and I could feel his heart going faster and faster. I massaged his shoulders and used my powers to calm him down.

The door opened and a woman came into view. She looked a lot like Tobias with more feminine features and older, so if Tobias was an old woman he'd look somewhat like her.

Her blue eyes widened and she turned back only to look at us again like she couldn't pick between calling the others or hugging Tobias. After a few more seconds of silence Tobias gathered his nuts and spoke softly.

"H-Hi, mom." He said shyly. His mother's shock broke and her face morphed into one of overwhelming happiness. "Tobias." She said lowly before pulling him into a tight and loving hug. He hugged back, with just as much tightness and love.

Tears began to fall from his mothers eyes and I could feel Tobias was crying as well. They pulled apart and she took a good look at him. Then her gaze drifted up to me. Her smiled widened as her blue eyes met with my brown ones.

She extended her arm and I took her hand, shaking it. "I'm Tobias's mother, Zara, you are?" She introduced herself. "I'm Tobias's boyfriends, Lathaniel, pleasure to meet you." I replied and her smile widened again.

"Boyfriend..." She whispered more to herself than anyone else. "It's nice to meet you too." She replied. "Please, come in." She said, making way for us to walk in. Tobias and his mother walked in together and I walked behind them, taking in the house.

I used my powers to give myself a kind of tour of the house. We walked into a room of people, three to be exact, watching tv. Two men and one woman, his father and brother then his sister.

"Everyone...guess who has come to visit." Zara announced and everyone looked back at us. The first one to jump up was surprisingly his brother. From what I'd gathered he was the one who despised Toby's gayness more than anyone else did.

He ran up and Tobias instinctively did the same, hugging his brother tightly. "I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry Tobias." I heard him whisper to Tobias as they hugged. His father was next to stand and enveloped the both of them in a big hug.

"Welcome home baby boy." He whispered as well. Zara smiled and shed a few tears at the precious moment while I studied his sister and why she hadn't done anything still. She didn't even look happy to see him and it kind of pissed me off.

I decided I'd eventually find out so I focused on the reuniting of most of the Gallagher family. When they pulled away from each other his brother and father smiled widely at him, overwhelmed with joy.

Then they caught sight of me. Their smiles visibly faltered but I knew why. They didn't really expect their little boy and little brother to have someone, it irked them like it would if he were a girl.

I smiled politely and waved. "Jason, Marco, Shane, this is Lathaniel, Tobias's boyfriend." Zara introduced me. I smiled. "Pleasure to meet you all." I said. "How long have you been with my son." Jason asked, putting his guard up and deepening his voice while Marco stood at his full height to intimidate me.

I smirked in amusement. "A little over ten months now." I answered. " that a fucking ring! Are you engaged?" His brother shouted, cutting his father off before he could even say anything.

Tobias's face lit on fire and I smiled before going to stand next to him. I stopped paying attention to what was happening as Tobias began to explain what the ring was for because of Zara talking to Shane.

It looked as if she were trying to convince her to talk to him. I knew I wasn't in any sort of place to do what I did next but I did it anyway. I listened in on their conversation.

"Come one Shane, it's been over five years since you last saw Tobias and even longer since you last saw him at his absolute best. Please, talk to him, accept him or at least be decent to him." Zara pleaded.

"Fine, I'll talk to him, just not right now." She said before getting up and leaving the living room. I wanted so badly to follow her but I decided against it. As I said before I'd find out eventually.

"Baby?" Toby asked, getting me back into our situation. "Yea." I replied looking at him. "Wanna stay here, my room is still in service." He said. "Do you?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Then I do too."

As Always...
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