Chapter 9

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Once I was done with breakfast I turned and to my surprise Tobias was already seated by the island. He looked deep in thought, like extremely deep.

"Morning Kitten." I greeted him to get his attention. He snapped out of it and smiled softly at me. "Morning." He replied lowly which resulted in me frowning. Instead of dishing food I sat next to him and studied his face.

Once he realised what I was doing he looked away. I didn't need to read his mind to know he was upset. So I I grabbed his chin with my thumb and index finger and turned his head in my direction. "What's wrong?" I asked him gently.

He stared for a while before he broke down into tears. My heart dropped and I pulled him into a hug. "Don't cry Baby..." I soothed him but he just cried harder. I wanted to read his mind so badly but I wanted to tell me what was wrong himself.

"W-what are you gonna d-do?" He cried. "What do you mean Tobias?" I asked as I pulled back from him. "W-when I'm dead..." He replied, his eyes red and puffy. I wasn't expecting that, not now at least.

"Tobias you won't die." I assured him. "I'm a human, o-of course I w-will..." He sobbed. "I can make you a demon Kitten, that way you can live with me forever." I told him. "T-turn me now...p-please." He begged. "It's not as easy as that Tobias, you'll have to consider a lot before going through with it. But don't worry, I'll have you with me for as long as the sun burns." I whispered before kissing his forehead.

"I don't want to leave you alone." He mumbled. "Then don't." I mumbled back, kissing him gently. He kissed back and pulled me closer. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I granted it. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth, gliding against my teeth and touching my own tongue.

I moaned softly as the gentle kiss went on, absolutely loving everything about it. We pulled apart and I smiled at him. "Feel better?" I asked him softly. He nodded and hugged me tightly before pulling away. "Wanna eat?" I asked next and again he nodded in response.

"You're so adorable after you cry." I whispered making him scoff. "I'm not a baby y'know." He said, rolling his blue eyes playfully. "Yes you are, you're my baby and don't you go forgetting it." I said and pecked his lips. He blushed a soft pink and said nothing making me smirk in amusement.

I got up and went back to the stove so I could plate our food. While I did it I couldn't help but wonder what got Tobias thinking about such a thing in the first place. Once I played out food I gave him his and sat next to him with mine.

We started eating in a comfortable silence and finished after six or seven minutes. He washed our dishes and we went to watch some tv in the living room. While he was infatuated with his show I was still trying to wrap my mind around what lead him to cry.

I wanted to ask but I didn't want to make him upset again, so I decided to go find out for myself, as discreetly as possible. Once I was in his head I looked for the memory and surprisingly enough he'd already thrown it to the back of his head.

Once I found it I got into it, trying not to trigger it. After two minutes of absorbing what I could of his thought process which lead to the incident I left his mind slowly so he wouldn't detect me.

What I'd gotten was nothing but concern. He was concerned about me and how I'd fare without him. How much more amazing could he be become. We've been together barely a year and already we're like a married couple, a life long married couple at that.

My heart swelled with pure love for my boyfriend. So much so that I wanted him in my lap instead of just next to me. I picked him up from beside me and put him in my lap.

It seemed as though he wanted to be in my lap also as he merely cuddled into my chest once he was in my lap. Oh god I loved this man so fucking much it was insane. I wanted to thank his parents for having him and Sasha for bringing him to New York, right into my arms.

But most importantly I wanted to thank my father for letting me have him. Tobias wasn't the person I'd been with that my father didn't approve of though he was the first human.

When my father discovered I was with someone he wasn't too pleased with me but when he found out she was an angel he got rid of her. I though she'd skipped out on me until my mother told me what really happened after getting into an argument with my father.

I was sure that he would've done the same to Tobias, if not worse. Surprisingly though he didn't and I was thankful for it. I didn't know the reasons for it but it didn't matter, I got to keep Toby and I'd get to keep him forever too.

As Always...
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