Chapter 6

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"Thanks for today Babe." I said as Lathan and I walked out of the restaurant we ate at. "You don't have to thank me Kitten." He replied. I smiled up at him and took his hand in mine. He looked at our hands then at me before smiling adorably.

"Toby...can I ask a question?" Lathan requested as we turned into the park. "Go for it." I replied. "Why don't you resent them?" He asked and sadly I knew exactly who he was talking about. "They're my blood. How could I possibly resent my own?" I answered.

"They abused you. They didn't care for you like a normal family should." He said. "That's the thing, we're not a normal family and that's what keeps me from hating them. They all have problems with themselves that they don't want to face, so they take it out on other me being queer." I explained.

"So they're using you as a scapegoat basically." He mumbled but I heard him. "You could say that." I shrugged. "Why does it bother you so much though?" I asked him. "Because you're such an amazing person and they don't deserve to have you in their lives, but you still want to be apart of it." He answered lowly.

I looked at him to see he was upset. I stopped him and made him look at me. "What do you want me to do Baby?" I asked as I held his cheeks in my hands. "I want you to make them realise how wrong they were about you, I want you to get revenge." He replied, his tone ice cold.

"But I already have Babe. I mean, look at my life. It's my twenty-fifth birthday, I have a loving boyfriend, my friends adore me and I'm doing what I've got a degree for." I began.

"They were trying to make me miserable for the rest of my life, they wanted to see me suffer forever, they wished nothing but misfortune for my future. But I'm here, I'm alive, I'm happy, I'm with you, I'm safe and I'm great. I've already gotten my revenge, us going to see them would be me giving them the finger." I explained.

"This world doesn't deserve you Tobias Gallagher." He whispered before slipping a ring onto my finger. My heart went into overdrive as his dark brown eyes kept me locked in a daze. I wanted to look at the ring but at the same time I was so nervous looking at it would've  made me throw up.

"I promise you, no matter what, that I'll make you all mine." Lathan said lowly before kissing me gently. My heart slowed as he kissed me slowly and passionately. I, in turn, melted into the kiss like ice in warm water. It was a promise ring.

He pulled away from me and let me observe the thin silver ring with two rubies in it. I didn't remember telling him what my favourite gem is but then again, he is a demon.

"It's so pretty." I whispered as I looked back at him. "You're so pretty." He smiled making me roll my eyes. "You've said that before you doofus." I replied making him chuckle. "You wanna go home?" He asked.

I shook my head. "This may sound cheesy, but I just wanna lay down and watch the stars with about our future too maybe." I responded. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "It's very cheesy but I like it." He said.

I smiled before pulling him to my favourite part of the park. The rose garden. We went inside and found a nice spot of dry but cool grass to lay on before staring at the stars for a bit. And then Lathan said something I never thought I'd have to hear from another man before.

"Is it weird that I want you to literally carry my babies?"

So so so so so so so so so so so so so so sooooooooo sooooooooooooo so sorry it took me for-fucking-ever to update. I don't have an excuse except for procrastination so yea. I'll be going to Zim next week for three whole beautiful weeks so I most likely won't update while I'm there. But who knows. Anywho...I hope you liked the chapter and...
As Always...
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