Chapter 30

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"I do not want to go to this appointment," Camila complains as Ally and Sofi walk her into the doctor's. Sofi squeezes her hand reassuringly, trying to bring her older sister comfort somehow. Ever since Camila met Lauren, Ally and Sofi have been taking her to her appointments ever since.

"Mila, you know you have to," Ally points out as she signs Camila in, already knowing the drill by now.

"But it's boring. All we do is talk," Camila whines some more. She just does not feel like being here right now.

"Don't get yourself worked up over this. You love seeing Clara and sometimes you get to talk about Lauren. Those are good things right?" Ally questions, soothing her cousin in a manner that is still quizzical to everyone else.

"You're right, I should just think happy," Camila says, but at the back of her mind she knows she isn't nervous about this. She's nervous about Paris, about her answer to Lauren asking.

"Camilla Cabello," the lady calls out, signaling that she can go back. All three of them stand and start to walk down the long and narrow hallway.

"You've been here enough, you'd think they'd know your name by now," Ally grumbles quietly, bewildered at people's whiteness. Camila shrugs it off, used to it by now. Sofia mocks her sister and shrugs her shoulders too. They walk into the office and Camila takes her usual seat and immediately starts playing with the octopus.

"Camila, you only play with that whenever something is really bothering. What wrong, honey?" Clara ask, her eyes following Ally and Sofi our of the room before training them on Camila.

"Nothing," Camila mutters, tapping her foot against the harden floor covered rug. Clara stares at Camila a moment longer, knowing that she will bust any minute.

"Lauren asked me to go to Paris with her and the girls, and I don't know what to say. I want to go, but it's making me stress out just thinking about it. Just thinking about all the unfamiliar places and smells and feelings. Plus how could I be away from my family that long? Would Lauren be upset f I said no, should I say no? Clara, I need help," Camila rambles our, unable to stop once she starts. The more she talks the more her fingers and foot move. Clara notices all of it.

"Camila, do you want to go," Clara ask the younger girl in front of her who nods her head 'yes' in answer of her question.

"Are you worried you'll have a seizure?" Another nod of the head 'yes.'

"I can prescribe you to some medication that I think will help with the seizures, but I'm worried about side affects," Clara voices her thoughts aloud. She's not sure if she should give Camila this medication or not.

"Why," Camila finally ask after a few moments of thinking on the situation too.

"It could affect your speech, Camila. Do we want to risk that," Clara ask calmly. Camila nods her head in answer form and Clara sighs deeply. She writes out the prescription and gives it to Camila before the younger girl leaves after they've talked for a while longer.

Clara gets through the rest of her patients before packing up. As she drives home she decided that she needs to talk to her own daughter about this situation, she can't keep anything from Lauren.

"Lauren, come here," Clara shouts as she walks through the door of the house into the livingroom.

"Yeah, mom?" She ask, jogging down the stairs. She stops in front of her mother and stares at her, waiting.

"I saw Camila today. We had a little talk and she didn't seem very happy," Clara says, making Lauren frown at the mention of her girlfriend not being happy.

"I'm not sure what's going on with you, Lauren. Usually you're making her the happiest she's ever been, but today I saw the opposite," Clara says with a tone of disappointment, making Lauren's short temper fail completely. How dare she say that Lauren doesn't make Camila happy? Yes she does.

"I don't know what more you expect from me, mom," Lauren shouts at her mother, growing increasingly angrier.

"I don't know why you thought she'd be able to go to Paris in the first place. Now all she is doing is worrying about that, worrying if she could handle it, worrying if it will upset you if she says no. I may be your mother, but I am her doctor too. And I need to help her," Clara shouts back at her daughter, not understanding how they got to this point in their argument in a quick second.

"Even Sinu said that it's up to her, mom! Her own mother thinks she can do more than you do. She believes in her more than you do," Lauren yells, muttering the last part. Lauren regrets it immediately after saying it though.

"Laure Michelle, I am her DOCTOR. Not her girlfriend's mother, not her own mother's best friend. I am her doctor. I have to do what I believe is best for her," Lauren's mom says, more calmly than before.

"I know you're just looking out for her, but what if she can do this mom," Lauren pleads, needing any sense of hope there is.

"New places stress her out, stress evolves into seizures. What if something happens while you guys are there and her family and I can't fly out? What happens then? I get that you and the other girls know how to care for her, but she's different, Lauren. She needs more than you guys can give her, more than YOU can give her," Clara says to her daughter, emphasizing the word 'you.' All Lauren can do is nod, too many things are whirling through her mind for her to form a sentence in this moment.

She thinks about her girlfriend and how much fun she'd have. How much fun the whole group would have being with each other like that for one last final trip before college. She thinks about Camila and her in the city of love together. But then she starts to think about Camila being a nervous wreck. She thinks about Camila having seizures and how scary that is every time it happens. She thinks about what would happen if Camila did have one in Paris.

In other words, Lauren is screwed.

Real quick update because I thought why not. Enjoy this update of two in two days (new record for me honestly.) Have a nice day/night :)

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