Chapter 33

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Since I never really described Charlie, here's what I imagined the puppers looking like :)

"I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this," Lauren continues to repeat as she paces in a circle in front of her girlfriend.

"Lauren please stop, you are making me nervous," Camila says firmly yet gently at the same time. How she does it, Lauren will never know. Lauren immediately stops, not wanting to upset her girlfriend in any way. Charlie laying down on the bed next to Camila also watching Lauren's panic, sits up at the sight of her abrupt stop of movement.

"What's the big deal about Shawn bringing Austin, baby," Camil ask softly, not understanding why her girlfriend is in a panic at her best friend bringing his boyfriend to the New Year's party tonight.

"Taylor will be there," Lauren mumbles more to herself than to Camila. Taylor and Austin in the same room will never go over well. Camila pets Charlie, trying to figure out her girlfriend.

"Why does it matter if Taylor is there, Lolo," Camila questions curiously. Lauren sighs in frustration knowing that she'd have to tell Camila at one point anyways.

"Last year, Austin went to Taylor's school. Her being the little freshmen went for anybody who gave her any sorts of attention. Austin was nice and talked to her, unlike any other junior in our school. I mean other than me and my friends of course. Back on topic, basically she started hardcore crushing on him, he knew it too. He lead her on and blah blah blah, she got her heartbroken, he got his nose broken by me. He moved schools two weeks after that and we never saw him again," Lauren explains in short story version, not wanting to bore her girlfriend with the details.

"Maybe he's changed, I mean he is with a boy now," Camila replies, trying to soothe Lauren at least a little bit.

"But Taylor will be there," Lauren points out, not worried about how she will react, but how her younger sister will react. Maybe Austin had changed, he is dating Shawn and that makes two things he never seemed to be capable of doing at their high school.

"Tell Taylor beforehand, explain it to her," Camila suggest, not wanting her girlfriend to be stressed. Lauren plops down on the bed on the other side of Charlie and ruffles her fur slightly.

"Yeah, you're right," Lauren mumbles into the sheet of Camila's bed.

"Why are your parents hosting all the parties, I thought we were supposed to host New Years," Lauren says, wanting to get off the topic of her sister.

"I think my mom is just excited that I have more friends who's families she loves. She's excited for me, I guess," Camila guesses, not too sure of the answer herself.

"You'll be my New Years kiss, right," Lauren ask with a large smile on her face.

"I'm your every day kiss, that's not going to change tonight," Camila replies, not realizing how much Lauren is swooning over the words she just said.

"Smooth baby, real smooth," Lauren chuckles with a slight hint of redness added to her cheeks now. Camila smiles at her before climbing on top of her and plopping down onto her back. Lauren groans at the added wait just as Dinah walks into the room.

"Damn get it Lauser," Dinah teases, hearing the sound and seeing the position they were currently in.

"What is Lauren getting? Please don't move, I am comfy," Camila ask making the other two girls chuckle.

"Lauren, is getting up so that she can go get ready and look all hot for you tonight," Dinah tells her best friend with a smirk evident on her face.

"But she always looks hot," Camila mumbles, unhappily moving from her comfortable spot to her previous spot of beside Charlie. Lauren blushes even more than she was before at the brunette's words.

"Bye guys," Lauren says giving Camila a kiss on the cheek and giving Charlie a kiss also before leaving Camila's room and soon after her house.

"Family goals," Dinah mutters to herself, knowing Camila wasn't listening.

"So what are you doing here," Camila ask bluntly, curious as to why her best friend interrupted her time with Lauren.

"To make you look hot, duh. That's what best friends do, gosh get with it," Dinah jokes and by the smile on her face she knows that Camila understood for once that she was joking. It's always a tricky game with Camila for Dinah because she is a jokester, but she never wants anyone to take what she says personally. And that is exactly what Camila would do if Dinah said anything slightly offending and she didn't realize it was a joke.

"Let's make me hot and you a good best friend then," Camila says before walking into her bath room that is connected. Dinah for the next hour deals with trying not to burn Camila or herself with the curling iron as Camila fidgets around every five seconds. Whether it was obsessively tapping Dinah on the arm or accidentally kicking her in the shin, the older girl would not sit still. Dinah remembers now why she doesn't offer to do this more often than she does.

"Are you ready for the makeup," Dinah ask, this part being the part that they both hate the most.

"Do we have to," Camila whines, not wanting to have to deal with the heaviness that her face is going to feel like once Dinah is done.

"No," Dinah answers simply, but Camila just shakes her head and encourages Dinah to begin. The only real struggle of the makeup is the eye area. And the lipstick, but with the eyes it's horrible. The eyeliner always starts off as a squiggly line and Dinah almost gives up on the mascara, with only one eye complete. But she finally finishes her best friend's make up and everything else she needs.

She has accomplished being a good best friend, they both have.

So as you can tell I really just want to finish this story and maybe do a sequel to it??? I don't know, haven't decided yet, would you guys like that??

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