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Chris' POV:

After tossing and turning for hours on end, I've come to the conclusion that I just can't fall asleep. Groaning, I rolled over in the darkness and checked my alarm clock for what felt like the millionth time, sighing when the red glowing figures read 6am. I haven't slept all night- only the 30ish minutes in the living room sat next to Lucy. My tinnitus was playing up again and it was driving me crazy. It's always there but it had been a lot worse recently. I had tried listening to music on my iPod - hoping to distract myself but it wasn't working.

My mind has been replaying yesterday's events. My kids were so upset earlier on. They didn't want us to leave- they're always the same with me but this time it was different. They met and really bonded with Lucy so quickly, they adore her and she's lovely with them.

I hate leaving them for a whole week but it's all part of the deal.... and then Gwyneth dropped that bombshell that she's taking them for 3 weeks. Selfish as usual . Lucy was so understanding and always tries to look on the positive side of everything... I mean sure, we'll see each other once they get back from America and everything will return back to normal. I just wish it didn't have to be like this though..

I feel so guilty about the whole paparazzi situation, I know I should've been more careful- and now they've seen Lucy and I together, the way I dragged her away from them... the headlines in the papers are gonna be crazy. And it's all my fault.

Lucy's words echoed in my head- "we're just friends... we've got nothing to hide". She's right, there isn't anything going on between us- we're just friends. Although, I wish we were more than that . I'll admit it, I'm falling for her. Everything about her's so amazing, she's kind and thoughtful, caring, amazing with the kids and so sooooo pretty... her sandy blonde hair looks so soft and those green eyes are something else.

She's been through so much too. She didn't deserve that bastard abusing and messing her up like that. I truly meant it when I said I'd be there and look out for her. My heart dropped when I realised that she doesn't feel the same way about me . I'll just have to keep my feelings to myself or otherwise it would spoil everything...

I closed my eyes again, trying to get at least an hour's sleep. But my brain had other ideas...

"You should tell Jon" it echoed. "You need to tell someone how you feel before she moves on and it's too late".

"But what if it backfires?" I asked myself. "What if she hates me and moves on somewhere else? What if she doesn't even like me in that way?!" I taunted.

"You don't know that for sure. Just talk to Jon. Or one of the lads. They'll know what to do. You're going there later anyway." I sighed in defeat. Maybe I should talk to the guys about this. We've arranged to meet up at The Bakery at 10am to add some finishing touches to the record before it's sent off to production.

Realising I wouldn't fall asleep any time soon, I decided to go out for a run. I got out of bed and changed into a t shirt with a long sleeved one underneath and running leggings, pulling some shorts over them.

Once I found my trainers, I popped my head into Lucy's room to see that she was still fast asleep. I tiptoed downstairs and grabbed a pen and paper to write her a note explaining where I was if she woke up before I got back. I left it on the coffee table and exited the house through the back door, stepping out and breathed in the cold morning air. It was still dark and none of the neighbours were about yet. I shoved my earphones into my ears, pressed play on my iPod and started running.

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