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The door opens and we enter

My grandmother, Queen Hippolyta was sitting on her throne, she sits up looking at us

We walk through the room, and then stand in front of Hippolyta's throne, she was talking with an Amazon warrior on her right,

I loudly clear my throat, hoping it would get her attention

"Lydia, is it really you?" Queen Hippolyta says as she stands up from her throne

"Yes," I said with a smile

I bow my head, Artemis and Miss Martian did the same

She walks over to me and pulls me for a hug, I hesitate to either tense or relax in the hug but I just felt like I was home

"Queen Hippolyta, me and my friends are trying to find an important animal that can lead to destruction of Theymiscara" Hippolyta pulls away

Everyone in the throne room gasps

"I'm sorry, 'destruction' wasn't the right word for it. What I meant to say was 'effect'." I say again

"Lydia, in the past few days...we've had some 'issues' lately." She says

"We can find a way to solve that issu-

"I'm sorry Lydia, but we are Amazons, we can handle the problems ourselves, but thank you for your understanding. Now, you were saying something about an animal, right?"

"Yes, Hippolyta. We- I mean 'I' let her in the portal of Theymiscara that my mother gave me. I didn't know that the animal was a virus or a disturbance, I shouldn't have let the animal through the portal. Forgive me, grandmother"

"It's alright, child. When one makes mistakes, they resolve those mistakes and become more wiser." She caresses my cheek with a soft hand of hers

I bow my head to her

"Have your guards or any warriors by any chance found a dog?" I ask

"I haven't heard any news about finding a 'dog' around here in Theymiscara, Lydia"

I turn to Miss Martian and Artemis,
"Think about it: if you were a dog, where would you go?"

Artemis shrugs

"Hello Megan!" Miss Martian hits her head lightly

"What is it?" I ask

"I can try to get through her mind and see some of her flashbacks." She says

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"I'll try, I mean she can't be that far"

Miss Martian closes her eyes and takes a couple of breaths

She focuses on her breathing then stops for a moment

"I see a farm.......no a.......waterfall..she stops and turns around.....I see temples" Miss Martian says

She opens her eyes
"That's it! Her vision showed me a waterfall!" 

"I think I know where the waterfall is" I say

"Alright then, let's go after her before she runs away from the waterfall" Artemis says

I turn to Hippolyta,
"Thank you for your help your majesty" I bow my head

Hippolyta nods her head and gives me a smile

We exit out from the throne room and started our journey to find the waterfall


"How far till we go to the waterfall?"

"Just a couple of steps"

We were onto the path of the waterfall for quite awhile now

"What makes this waterfall so great?" Artemis asks

I turn to Artemis,
"This waterfall is where we sacred our fresh, beloved water" I explain

"So that's it? Water." Artemis says

"This water is way more powerful than the regular water. This water makes your skin smooth and soft, and probably keep you young forever- if I'm correct."

"The water here sounds amazing!" Miss Martian exclaims

"I really need to drink this water immediately" Artemis says

Miss Martian and I exchange a laugh

We continue walking into the path within silence between us three

"Is there anything else about Theymiscara?" Miss Martian asks

"All these buildings and temples are about three thousand years old, even the waterfall. My grandmother told me everything about Theymiscara. She says that our gods built it only for us women, that's why we're known as the Amazons."

"What's the lasso of truth for?" Artemis asks

"Well, like my mother said it's makes you tell the truth" I explain

"Yeah, but what makes you tell the truth?"

"Once your skin touches this lasso you can feel a burn that grows more through your whole body"

"Wow, I thought the lasso just makes you tell the truth"

"Athena, the goddess of wisdom has once used this in a war against her half brother, Ares. So, it's not just a truth-telling rope, it's a strong lasso"

"What happened? Who won?" Miss Martin asks as she walks closer to me

"Nobody knows, not even Hippolyta"

"They probably just don't want anyone to know anything what happened"

"I guess so" I shrug my shoulders

We finally reached to the waterfall and started our searching for Hestia

We spread out to look for clues

I walk over to the waterfall and searched around the area

Then I took a moment to myself and concentrated listening to the soothing and calm waterfall

Then I heard a whistle

I walk back to where the group was before our search

Artemis was standing on the far side of the waterfall, where rolling hills were displayed from her perspective of view

She had something in her hands, Miss Martian looks over her shoulder

"I found her collar" Artemis says, raising it to our sights

"Where did you find it?" Miss Martian asks

"There was something shiny and glowy, on the grass, it was sitting here looking oblivious. I think she might've gone further," Artemis points at a direction that had lead to rolling hills and valleys, like a country side looking

"I think we're getting near her" I say

"Then we have to keep going" Artemis says

"You're right, or else she'll move further away from us" Miss Martian says


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