Chapter 4

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A week before Hogwarts' school year began Severus took Lucy a house in London where they were going to spend the remaining time of no school.

When they first entered they were in a narrow hallway. The concrete wall held picture frames, and above them was a gas lamp with cobwebs that were covered with dust.

Directly forward was an open door with another gas lamp above it. "Where are we?" Lucy wondered.

"Sirius Black's house." Severus stated. "The Order of the Phoenix uses it as Headquarters."

"The group Dumbledore founded to fight Vol-The Dark Lord?" Lucy corrected herself. Severus didn't like it when Lucy called Him Voldemort.

"Exactly. It has been reactivated in light of recent events." Severus informed her.

"Snape. What an honor." A voice coldly and sarcastically greeted him.

"It's a shame I can't say the same about you, Black." Severus retorted. Lucy narrowed her eyes. They certainly weren't moving forward in their lives, letting go of grudges, or trying to be nice to each other. They weren't even being civil!

"Lucy, what are you doing here?" Remus Lupin noticed Lucy from behind Sirius.

"Watching people argue apparently." Lucy gently spoke, "What are you doing here?"

Lupin blinked, surprised. "I'm here for a meeting."

"What's the meeting about?" Lucy questioned.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who are ask, it was at that moment that their conversation was interrupted by Molly Weasley yelling, "Lunch is ready! Come and eat it now!"

Remus took his leave as did Sirius so they could fill themselves with Molly's food. Fred and George suddenly appeared in front of their mother, startling her. Just as she was about to scold them Fred noticed and called out to Lucy. They quickly ushered Lucy into the dinning room successfully avoiding a lecture.

Lunch was finger sandwiches and a variety of fruits. Near the conclusion of the meal Dumbledore arrived, and noticing Lucy, asked to speak with her.

In a cold room that was likely the drawing room, Dumbledore began, "You have likely already heard many things, and likely will overhear more but I must request that you do not tell Harry about any information you may obtain during your stay here."

"Why?" Lucy questioned.

"To protect him." He simply explained. Lucy frowned, how would keeping him ignorant protect him? It would just put him in more danger. That being said, Lucy knew she would not be able to change his mind, so instead, she just promised, "I swear on my name being Lucelle Pevensie that I won't tell Harry anything."


Lucy was dressed in her nightgown, sitting on a sofa in her dad's room, brushing her hair before bed. Severus was taking his clothes from his bag, refolding them, and placing them in drawers. He could have done it with magic but he found the methodical movement calming.

"What was the meeting about?" Lucy inquired?

"It was about the possibly upcoming war with the Dark Lord, collecting followers, possible war plans, and Dumbledore wants another Oder of the Phoenix member who can go to and from places undetected. Someone who isn't well known and doesn't have a defined or obvious loyalty but will be loyal and trustworthy." Severus informed her.

"What about Professor Grey?" Lucy suggested.

Snape turned to look at his daughter. "Why?"

"He fits all the criteria. He isn't well known, his blood ties are completely, unknown, and can't be discovered since he doesn't have any here. Plus he's trustworthy."

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