Chapter 9

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On the first visit to Hogsmeade Lucy arrived at Hogs head along with Luna and Ginny. Lucy remained silent throughout the meeting but in the end, Dumbledore's Army was established with many signing their names as members.

Lucy hung back and waited until she and the golden trio were the last ones there, Luna and Ginny having went on ahead without her.

"I can help teach." Lucy offered.  Harry and Hermione, having seen Lucy cast a patronus agreed. "Yeah, that'd be great."

Ron however, questioned her abilities. "Nah, that's alright, I mean, no offense and all, but what Defense Against the Dark Art spells do you know?"

"A fair few." Lucy told him, "Plus I can help you get a hold of the DADA curriculum books from last year, which could certainly be of you to you."

"Well that's great and all but what do you know about casting them?" Ron asked, still doubtful.

"Ron, why would anyone read a DADA book without even attempting to cast the spells? Of course Lucy knows how to successfully cast the spells, she's years ahead of all of us." Ginny, who had come back for a forgotten hat cut in.


The next day Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Lucy brainstormed places to practice. The Shrieking Shack was too small and the fencing club's meeting place was too inconvenient. A few days later, it was Neville that had stumbled upon the perfect place to hold DA sessions, Hogwarts' Room of Requirements.

While the DA continued meeting in secret it was clear that Dolores Umbridge knew that something  was up. All the extracurricular activities were banned and many strict rules were implemented. Professor Sybill Trelawney was fired from her post and almost thrown out of the castle if it weren't for Dumbledore emerging from his tower for the first time in months.

Things were getting worse and worse. Finally, a week before the winter holidays Harry awoke and demanded an audience with the Headmaster. He had had a dream where he was a snake, attacking Arthur Weasley. Quick investigating by way of a portrait in Dumbledore's office confirmed that there had been an attack.

That was how they discovered that Harry's mind was connected to the Dark Lord.

"So you'll be giving Harry occlumency lessons?" Lucy inquired. They were by the fire in Severus' chambers, enjoying each other's company.

"On Saturday evenings." Severus affirmed. "Your lessons will have to be moved to Monday evenings."

Lucy nodded in acceptance. "Do you think it will work, with Harry and the occlumency lessons?"

"Depends." Severus voiced.

"On what?" Lucy wondered.


Sorry that I didn't update last week!

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