Chapter 21

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Lucy scratched the last item off her list as she sent Ellie off to Luna's room with one of Luna's many charms.

Some of the Ravenclaws had decided to hide all of Luna's stuff the morning before the students returned home and it has taken all day to find all of it. Despite the task having occupied so much of her time, Lucy was just thankful that they hadn't hidden anything in the Rroom of Requirement's Room of Hidden Things.

The dinner feast had begun and with her task complete Lucy could readily join but her thoughts held her back and prompted her to wander the castle until her feet led her to the abandoned library.

Taking the opportunity Lucy snagged the book she had discovered earlier that week and smuggled it out. She wasn't stealing exactly, she was going to return it, when school resumed after the summer.

Inside the book was a map that had both wizard and muggle places marked on it. With it, even a muggle could find their way to Hogwarts.....

The next book will be uploaded sometime next week! I hope you all have enjoyed the journey so far!

The title will be.....

Centaurs, Serpents, and Princes

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