Chapter 20

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Sorry for not updating last week and the week before that. I hope you enjoy this update!

The Forbidden Forest was calm, no collection of fleeing animals, no eerie silence, just the calling of birds to one another and the rustle of leaves in the gentle caress of the wind, and Lucy, making her way through the serene forest.

A short distance from the Narnian settlement was Oreius and Helena's young twins, Gabriel and Aldora, splashing each other in the shallows of a river.

Lucy smiled and called out a greeting as she continued her way, taking a left rather than entering the settlement.

A few more minutes passed and a wall of vines and other such plants was in view. Moving a few dangling plants away, Lucy carefully slipped past, into the mouth of a dark cave. "Lumos."

Even when illuminated, it appeared to have no occupants currently or in any recent or distant past, but Lucy knew better.

A mile in was a sharp turn to a hidden passage that led to a well lit room. Inside the said room was Dolores Umbridge, tied to a chair, her wand broken at her feet. Two centaur guards bowed as they saw her enter. 

"Nox." Lucy stood where the pink lady could see her before speaking. "Good afternoon, Madam." 

Dolores' frown depend and she was quick to let out a spew of words, demanding her release. Lucy let Umbridge's mouth run its course for a full minute before interrupting.

"You're release is certain, the time however, is not. You're going to tell us what we want to know, but you have a choice. You can pick the easy way, or the hard way."


A does of Veritaserum later, they were well informed and well equipped to renegotiate the treaty with the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Umbridge none the wiser after a simple,  "Obliviate."


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