Chapter 11

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Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Lucy rushed down the hill to Hagrid's hut and were planning on excitingly knocking the door until they heard the voice of a certain pink wearing witch from with the structure. "I am ordering you to tell me where you've been."

The four students went to the side of the hut and peaked in through the large window. "I told you, I've been away for me health." Hagrid insisted.

"Your health?" Dolores Umbridge repeated in disbelief.

"Yah, a bit of fresh air, you know," the large man explained.

"Oh yes, as game keeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by. If I were you, I wouldn't get used to being back, in fact, I might not even bother unpacking at all." Finally Umbridge made her exit and the 4 students entered.

"This is top secret, alright? Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants." Hagrid revealed.

"Giants?" Hermione gasped before being shushed by the large man. "You found them?"

"Well, they aren't all that hard to find to be perfectly honest, they're so big see." The half giant reasoned. "Tried to convince them to join the cause, and I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over."

"Death Eaters." Ron nodded.

"Yes," the teacher confirmed, "tried to persuade them to join You-Know-Who." Hagrid shared.

"And did they?" Harry questioned.

"I gave them Dumbledore's message, suppose some of them remember that he was friendly to him."

"And they, did this to you?" Harry gestured to Hagrid's ruffed up form.

"Not exactly, no." Fang started to bark and the games keeper sighed, tossing the dog the chunk of meat he had been holding to his eye. "Oh go on, you have it then. Doffy dog." Suddenly a harsh gust of wind blew against the half giant's home, shaking the rafters. "There's a storm coming Harry, and we'd all best be ready when she does."

Hagrid was right about the storm. Mass break outs of Death Eaters from Azkaban were occurring, one escapee was Bellatrix Lestrange, the one who tortured Neville's parents. The Ministry along with the papers were all blaming them on Sirius Black. DA meetings resumed after the holidays but one of their meetings was disturbed by pounding on one of the walls.

Many faced where the pounding was originating from and watched, Lucy however, along with the Room of Requirements, was quick to respond.

A door appeared on the opposite end of the room than the one that was commanding the attention of the majority of the DA.

"Hurry! We need to go, now!" Lucy began herding people out, but only a small percent of the students were able to escape before Dolores Umbridge cast "Bombarda Maxima". All the remaining members were caught red handed while the 'High Inquisitor' members, (Draco and his goons) didn't even bother to attempt to hide their smug faces.

The Minister jumped at the chance to condemn the Headmaster, and although unsuccessful at taking the elder man to Azkaban, Albus Dumbledore was forced to leave, and with him gone Umbridge took complete and total control.

Very strict rules were implemented, and the portraits were all taken down. Hogwarts became a cold and miserable place where detentions were painful quills that wrote with the user's blood were quite frequent. All the joy and happiness that once was once so abundant, sucked up by a pink vacuum.

A week after Dumbledore went missing Hagrid approached the Trio (who Lucy happened to be with at the time) and brought the four young witches and wizards into the Forbidden Forest.

"Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry wondered, before the half wizard had the chance to speak a patrol of centaurs passed by them, their hooves like thunder as the sped by.

"I've never seen the centaurs so riled. They're dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much more they're gonna have a full uprising on their hands." Hagrid declared. Lucy nodded, he was not incorrect.

"Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione questioned.

"I'm sorry to be so mysterious you four. I wouldn't be bothering you at all but, with Dumbledore gone, I'll likely being getting the sack any day now, and I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him."

A very large form rising from their sitting position drew their attention from the 1/2 giant to the actual, full blooded giant the former called..."Grawpy, I brought you some company."

Lucy remained the only one unaffected by the humongous creature, as she had met many giants in Narnia. "Hello Grawp." She greeted him easily. When Grawp approached them the Trio backed away in fear until the massive man was jerked away from them by the rope that connected him and one of the trees.

"I couldn't just leave him, because, because he's my brother. Well, half brother really, completely harmless, just like I said." Hagrid explained, "A little, high spirited is all."

Unwisely, Grawp decided to grab Hermione and lift her high into the air. "That's not polite." Hagrid reprimanded.

"Do something!" Ron yelled in panic.

"Relax, she's fine." Lucy assured Ron.

The gamekeeper ignored the red head and continued with his reprimand, "you do not grab, that's your new friend."

Ron, chose to take matters into his own hands, selected a stick, and smacked Grobby in the shins with it only for the enormous being to softly kick Ron away from him.

"Grob! Put me down, now." Hermione ordered. The giant slowly did so, following which he grabbed a bike steering wheel from his stash of miscellaneous items, rang its bell, and offered it to Hermione for her to ring.

"He gets his own food and all, its company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You will look after him, won't you? I'm the only family he's got."
"Of course we will, Hagrid." Lucy assured him. "Of course we will."

AU: His name is actually Gwap but I spelled it how I heard it and don't feel like going back to change it. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! :D

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