Chapter 8

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The Valiant Queen had just reached the edge of the Centaur territory when she heard a sharp "crack". Immediately Lucy concealed herself in the forest's shrubbery and waited, her eyes surveying the surrounding area and her ears listening to every noise that echoed through the forbidden forest.

Another crack, this time softer, came from behind her. The queen quietly turned to notice a figure in dark robes approaching the starting point of Narnian territory. 1 there, 2 by a tree, another with their robes caught in a shrub, and one more just a few feet from her. A total of 5 ministry wizards/witches in various positions around her and not s single Narnian in sight.

"Petrificus Totalus"Lucy whispered as she aimed her wand at the ministry official closest to her. The wizard froze before falling to the ground, unmoving. The Valiant witch then pointed her wand at the next closest wizard, which was the one that had their robes stuck in a shrub, and cast "Immobulus". Unfortunately the wizard finally pulled themselves free from the said shrub, successfully moving them from the way of the spell.

The wizard's head jerked to face the direction the magic had originated from. "Hey! You there!" He called upon spotting Lucy. The witch and wizard near a particularly fat tree approached him. The witch spoke first, "What are you going on about Tobias?"

"Don't act like I'm making things up Veronica, there's a person..." he trailed off when he noticed that the spot Lucy had previously occupied was empty.

"Perhaps he's seeing things. Too much butterbeer Toby." The wizard besides Veronica joked.

"Do NOT mock me Tim-O-Thyme, they were right there." Tobias pointed to the bush that Lucy had previously hid in.

"Maybe it was a fairy." Veronica suggested, still mocking Tobias.

Lucy, who had vacated to hide behind a nearby tree prepared to cast another spell when she felt the point of a wand touch her neck. The wizard spilled her wand from her grasp before calling out, "TimOthyme, Veronica, Tobias, stop with your nonsense and collect Jimmy from his bed of the forest floor."

"But Nathaniel sir-" Tobias was cut off by the said Nathanial emerging from behind the tree with Lucy in tow. "I know Tobias, you did indeed see someone."

Sensing that he was distracted, Lucy stopped on Nathanial's foot, hard. The leader of the group backed up, giving Lucy the opportunity to draw her dagger from her boot, press the button that changed it into a sword, and slice his wand in two.

While Nathanial was in shock, (a wand is very precious to a wizard, so to loose it...) his subordinates were not and they did not hesitate to cast spells, barely giving either Lucy or Nathanial to chance to dodge away.

Lucy scrambled to get her wand that the ministry group's apparent leader had dropped. "Sommumis!" TimOthme fell to the group, fast asleep.

Veronica, a seemingly accomplished witch engaged Lucy in a duel, when spells started to fire at her from either side since Tobias joined in Lucy had not choice but to drop her sword, pull out her Aspen wand, and use that wand in addition to her first wand.

"Exspelliarmus!" a wand flew out of its owner's hand, Lucy's wand.

Drunk with her scored point, Veronica's defenses slackened and a well aimed Bat-Bogey Hex, (courtesy of Ginny) hit its mark.

The sound of a shouted "Reducto" from behind reached the Valiant Queen's ears. Immediately Lucy dropped to the ground, the would-be very damaging spell narrowly missed her.

"Exspelliarmus, Stufefy!" Lucy cast the two spells in rapid succession, each hitting their intended target of  Tobias before turning to a rather angry Nathanial who, it seemed, had taken the petrified Jimmy's wand.

With every missed spell Nathanial grew angrier and his spells grew darker. From a stinging jinx, to "Confringo," and finally, "Crucio." Once he had cast that spell Lucy made a swift decision. "Sectumsempra!" This spell hit its target.

Lucy took a short moment to take a deep breath and collect her things before casting "Sommumis" once more, this time on Veronica who was still being chased by Bat-Bogeys. Follow that action the arrival of ten centaurs caught Lucy's attention. One of them made a move to strike a downed wizard with a sword but Lucy spoke out, her voice, though tired, still held all the authority of a queen. "No."

The Valiant queen then knelt beside Nathaniel and began the healing spell her father had taught her.


"Close up the negotiations and set up a constant patrol of our borders. I don't want any wizards entering Narnian territory. Have the merfolk be sure to not allow anything by way of water come near. King Edmund has suggested that we start setting up a food storage in case things come to battle, do so." Lucy instructed, following which she cast the final spell she intended to cast that day, on the Ministry officials.


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