Chapter 14

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Lucius Malfoy was there to greet them, along with another blond male, Corban Yaxley.

"Hello children." Lucius greeted. Not even a second later Severus appeared along with a rather dirty Vincent Crabbe.

The clacking of heels forewarned the appearance of Bellatrix Lestrange. "Our Lord is waiting." she said witch declared.


A long, dark wood table was the main focus of the room, the rest of it was mostly barren. The dark color scheme made it look cold but the blazing fire in the nearby fireplace made sure it was warm enough.

The group took their seats, and the meeting began. "The rising generation, I'm so glad all of you could make it. I am sure you are all wondering why I have called you here." The Dark Lord paused for a moment, "The answer is rather simple one. You are my eyes and ears at Hogwarts, so tell me, what is happening at Hogwarts these days."

"Excuse me, my lord," Pansy spoke, Voldemort's eyes narrowed but she didn't seem to notice, or if she did she was foolish enough to ignore it. "Why is there a Gryffindor here?"

"Ah, yes. I forgot to introduce you all," he gestured to Lucy, "this is Lucy Snape, Severus' daughter. She, like myself and Severus, is of the noble Slytherin blood line. So in a way she is more of a Slytherin than you. Besides, having her in Gryffindor has its uses. Tell me, what is Harry Potter up to these days?"

Pansy gaped upon the revelation, the rest of the party (besides Draco and Lucius who already knew) took it rather well and were able to mask their surprise besides the widening of their eyes.

A glint of respect mixed with shock seemed to flicker in Theodore Nott's eyes but there was no way to be sure.

"Potter and his friends are mostly concerned about Dolores Umbridge being the new headmistress and although they have speculated where Dumbledore has fled to, the don't actually know or even have a likely guess. There has been no contact by Dumbledore of any sort yet either." Lucy informed them matter a factually before glancing at Pansy, who finally managed to stop gaping and pressed her lips into a thin line.

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