Chapter 15

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Monday Evening

Lucy was walking the halls of Hogwarts when she heard sniffling. Turning to the left, her eyes landed on a small Gryffindor boy named Micheal. Fred and George sat with him on a stone bench, comforting him.

"What happened?" Lucy inquired.

"He was caught pulling a prank on Umbridge." George informed her.

"A noble endeavor indeed." Lucy nodded at Micheal, prompting a small smile from the boy.

The soft footfalls on the ground announced the approach of someone to the left, which was soon discovered to be Harry, but a voice to Lucy's right was the cruel Headmistress. "As I told you once before Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." The pink headmistress addressed Harry before entering another room, closing the door behind her.

"You know George, I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement." Fred spoke first. "Fred, I'm thinking exactly the same thing." George agreed. 

"Anything I can help with?" Lucy wondered.


The OWLs were in session and as it turned out, the twins only required a small amount of a few chemicals. The rest they had covered. After hearing the plan Lucy couldn't help but be excited, she could only imagine the look on Umbridge's face.

A pounding sound disturbed the quiet of the Great Hall, students paused on their testing and Umbridge went to investigate the noise.

The headmistress flung open the doors to find a floating ball of sparkling fire that went around her, into the testing room before exploding into bursts of color.

The pink lady looked about, attempting to discover the source, and find the source she did. Fred and George zoomed into the Great Hall on broomsticks, the papers flew into the air and more fireworks were thrown, exploding in brilliant bursts of color.

Cheers erupted from the majority of the students, the few exceptions being Cabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy. Filch arrived just in time for the mischievous twins to unleash their big act.

More fireworks exploding, forming an enormous dragon head that went after Umbridge, her heels making it difficult for her to escape the giant predator. It reached her just as she made it to the doorway. The creature made of light split up once more, back into the sparkling fire balls that finished off by smashing into all the rules nailed to the outside wall.

The firework residue began to clear and all was quiet, until, in one motion, all the rule's frames fell to the floor.

The Weasley twins flew out to the courtyard, the celebrating students followed after them, cheering them on as they fled the school, leaving a giant W of fireworks in their wake.

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