35|| The hijab

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Please ignore grammatical errors or just correct me because this is unedited

"Just go back with me, and keep your mouth shut!", I yelled at him.

"I am sorry but I can't do that!", he said and ran back to that washroom.

I ran back to that washroom, trying to stop him. But, I was too late. I couldn't stop him.

Liam's (The racist man) Pov

How could an oppressed forced muslim girl simply beat me up? All I was trying to do was give her the freedom all women deserve!

Why do these muslims not understand that there is no space for this kind of inequality of humans in the 21st century?

Here I was, trying to kick out these ill minded people and yet I was lying on the floor just by being kicked by an oppressed girl.

Suddenly, the door opened making me come out of my train of thoughts.

"Can you help me?", I asked the man, who didn't really seem like he was from here.

"How dare you try to force yourself on Muskaan?!", he shouted at me. Oh, so he was her lover.

"I don't care if you beat me up too! For all I know I was trying to free an oppressed women. Unlike you who forces her to wear it!", I said in my defence.

I was right, and I knew it.

Suddenly, he started laughing. Laughing at me?

Maybe, he realized how right I was.

"You really think I force her to wear it? Really?", he said as he pulled me up, holding my shirt collar. His eyes showed pure anger.

"Let me tell you one thing. Neither was she forced nor is she oppressed!", he said. How stupid was he to believe she was not oppressed. Yeah, maybe she was not forced. But technically she was.

"Clearly, it is gender inequality. Look at the women in the western world. So free, so happy. Unlike the east where women have no freedom", I said confidently.

"You really think women in the west are happy and free? Look at all the women starving themselves to look skinnier. Look at all these women who are pressured to have a skinny and curvy body with shiny hair. Look at all the photoshopped models that look nothing like what they actually look like. Look at how everyone has turned into plastic to please the world. You really think that showing off your body is being happy and free?", he said leaving me clueless of what to say.

"It's still much better then the oppressed women who are beaten up by men everyday", I said.

"First of all, that is culture. That is not Islam. And as for the east, have you ever been there? All you see is what the media shows you. Open your eyes", he said.

"That girl who you think is oppressed has liberated herself from all the pressure of having a certain physical allure. She can walk around freely without all the men staring at her. So please do not think she has no freedom.", he finished.

And that's when realization hit me. I was not right. I was wrong. There was a really valid reason behind that headscarf.

"I am sorry", I said feeling ashamed of myself. How quick I was to judge someone.

"Don't say that to me, say that to her", he said pointing at the girl who I just forced myself on.

With all my courage, I went up to her and apologized. And she forgave me right away. I wish she had not though, because I was the so rude and racist.


I couldn't believe this! It was the same Saahir who called me fat and ugly. It was him. He had changed so much, that he was a different person now. I didn't have any words to say to him.

"Thank you Saahir", was all I said. I didn't know what else to say.

"I think I owe you this", he said and smiled.

"Hey, please don't tell anyone this. Please", I told him. I didn't want a new drama.

"Okay", he agreed.

How was this chapter? (Sorry it's short) I just felt like it was important to bring up this issue. There is such a misconception about wearing the hijab.

I hate the whole idea of feminism nowadays. It has changed the meaning of feminism. It means that women and men are equal. Not women have a higher status then men.

Modern feminism has campaigns like "Free the nipple". Well, what kind of freedom does that give you? Except for men looking at you in the most dirty ways?

In my opinion, these campaigns are a way to disrespect our own bodies, it is all about sex and liberating our bodies. Which results in the the exact opposite of what true feminism is. It doesn't make anything equal, it just makes matters worse.

With all of the pressures in our society to have a certain physical allure; to have long, luscious hair, a skinny yet curvy body, flawless facial beauty, woman go through hell. With this, we succumb to the pressures that we generally think we are free of; we oppress our natural womanhood with constant worry about how we look to others around us. We do not have the courage to stand up to this societal critique and say 'my body is not to be ogled at'. And that is exactly what wearing the hijab or dressing modest can do.

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