that would be enough

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Alex never showed up.

And now John's leaving.

Everything has gone to hell.


"John... Please! I get you want to fight, but.... Think about me! We had a happy marriage, what more could you want?" Y/N begs. "Y-Y/N, listen. This is for America. Our America. And trust me, I'll live to see our glory. So I'll gladly join the fight." She hugs me tightly.

"Stay safe for me. That would be enough." Y/N whispers.

"I'll stay alive for you."


John's gone... It can't be! Not yet.... I still want to see him. He deserves to have a life before the war.. He'll just run back off, but... I need to get him home. I grab a quill, some ink, and a sheet of paper.

Dear General Washington......


Alex hands me the pistol. "Remember: This man killed over a thousand of our soldiers. S-"

"Ok, I'll try my best.. But you're being my second." Alex sighs. "Fiiinnneee......."

We step out into our dueling area. Lee's already there, smirking with his pistol. "Lee."

"Laurens." He says mockingly, noticing I'm slightly pale. The doctor turns around. "Ready?" Burr, who is also with us, says. I nod, and me and Lee turn away from each other. They put us through our paces.


I don't hesitate to shoot him in the side. Lee shrieks. He falls on the grass, screaming in agony, his coat soaked in red blood.

"Lee, do you yield?!" Almost immediately we see a familiar horse. Washington's horse. "This should be fun..." Burr mutters. Washington storms to us, yelling at Burr to get a medic for Lee.


"yes sir"

"Meet me inside!"

"Uh oh..." I mutter under my breath, trying not to get noticed by Washington. No luck. "And as for you, Mr. Laurens..." He begins, and I start to get very scared. I can't get sent home yet! I still have so much left to do here... Washington notices. Please feel pity, please feel pity....

" Go home and take a break."


"Go. Home."

The Forgotten Schuyler - John Laurens x Schuyler!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now