guns and velvet part 1

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Alexander Hamilton.

That little whore who's abusing my sister and nephew.

Honestly, I'm just praying I can control my urge to slap him. John seems to be excited, because he jumps around the room, squealing. "Will you please calm down, John?" I say. And then I realize Alexander's here. He looks at me, clearly trying to contain laughter. "Did you just say your dead husband was here?! Jesus, and everybody though I was crazy. Either way," he says sassily, "I need some he-"

"Give me one good reason I should help you. You, who abused my sister. You, who my own nephew is scared of. You, who forgot about me when my own fucking husband died! You don't even care about anybody. Even if they all just disappeared or something, you wouldn't care, would you?!" I scream at him. And just for a split second, I can see both fear and sadness in his eyes, almost if he is getting some sort of flashback. Without realizing it, I smirk. It's about time I got back on him myself. That seemed to be the final straw, because next thing I know, I have a gun pressed to my head. Yes, you heard right. A gun.

"Say that again. I dare you." Hamilton hisses. He wouldn't. Because Eliza is the best thing in Alexander's life; and if I died, she'd be gone. And he'd be alone. So I feel invincible.

 "Ha! (YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT UR ASKING ME TO CONFESS~)  I'd like to  see you pull that. Eliza would be pissseeeddd off, you know. Real pissed. And that's your last chance of somebody loving you, Hammy. Because you're going straight to hell when you leave us alone." I snap. And then it just all sort of comes out. Alexander puts the gun down. 

"You're right. For once." he admits. I smile, trying to hold in laughter of his sudden mood swing. And then somebody does laugh. From outside. 

"HA! Madison, you seeing this? Hamilton's trying to get a lady! Heh. As if he had one."

The Forgotten Schuyler - John Laurens x Schuyler!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now