From the Moment I Met You, Everything Changed

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  • Dedicated to Chelsey, my best friend

~ Prologue

"A little over to the right". Jaimee said as I try to adjust the frame on the wall. 

"I can't get it straight. It's driving me crazy." I tell her. 

"It's fine, we have a lot more stuff to move in." she says with a slight giggle.  

"I know, why do us girls have to have so much 'stuff'?" I say with a chuckle.  

Jaimee laughs as she checks her phone. "It's almost 5 o'clock. Aren't you hungry?" Jaimee asks me.  

"Uh, yeah I guess. Let's head downtown to find somewhere to eat." I say.

We head over to the elevator in our brand new apartment together. The apartment is perfect. It's almost like a hotel. We had been trying to move into an apartment together for 2 years now. It's been 7 years since we became best friends; we had always wanted to live together in an apartment. As we walk to the elevator, Jaimee is getting delirious as we have been on our feet all day moving stuff in. She dances down the hallway in front of me. As she frolics around, she turns to face me so she is walking backwards. She starts singing, too. At this point I am embarrassed to know this girl. But, not as embarrassed as she is when she runs into this guy. *SLAM* She runs right into him.

"OH MY GOSH! I AM SO SORRY!" She yelps.  

I start busting out laughing, because it is no surprise that something like this happened to her. The guy was really cute though. He had really dark hair and brown eyes. It looks like he had a few tattoos on his arm. I really like tattoos.

"It's fine!" He says in a British accent.  

'Of course he is British' I think to myself. Me and Jaimee have always had this slight obsession with British accents. I mean, who doesn't fancy a nice England accent?  

"Seriously, I am so sorry. Wow, I am really embarrassed now..." Jaimee says as her face turns a dark pink.  

"Really, it's okay." He tells her with a slight smile.  

"Anyway, my name is Jaimee. This is my roommate, Chelsey." She tells him and points over at me. His brown eyes meet with mine. I think I was frozen there for a good ten minutes just staring at him. "Hi." I finally mutter out.  

"I'm Zayn." He says. "Nice to meet both of you."

I'm still standing here emotionless as I am just stunned by this beautiful, British guy. Jaimee walks back over to me and grabs my arm as a cue to leave the conversation.  

"Nice meeting you, too. See you around." She tells him.

He waves and walks away down the hall. When we step inside the elevator, I look over at Jaimee as I sink to the floor against the wall. She gives me a look as if I am insane. I probably am insane anyway. I have never been so struck by a guy before. Is it the accent? I am not completely sure. What I do know is, I need to see this guy again.

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