Chapter One- Call Me Maybe

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I walk swiftly on my feet as I am still giddy from meeting Zayn. "Why on earth are you walking so quickly? I can barely keep up." Jaimee yells.  

I giggle and attempt to remove the smile from my face.  

"That guy was pretty cute..." She admits. My attempt to stop smiling failed.  

"You obviously think he is gorgeous." She says. "Which he is..." She adds.  

"Well, I have dibs." I demanded.  

"Dibs? You can't call dibs." She protests.  

"Yeah, I can." I argue.  

"I'm the one who ran into him." 

"But, I saw him first. You were facing backwards. So, you couldn't have seen him."  

"Way to get all technical about it." She giggles.

We continue walking downtown and all I can think about is Zayn. Jaimee keeps listing different places to eat as we descend down the sidewalk and I haven't heard a word she has said. I can tell she is getting annoyed.  

"Stop thinking about Zayn for just like, one second." She says.  

"I'm sorry. Really, I am." I apologize.  

"It's not like it is likely you'll see him again..." She says in a sorrowful tone. I start to frown. What if I really don't see him again?

Jaimee finally picks a restaurant since I am obviously not paying enough to attention to pick somewhere. We walk in and go over to the 'Take Out' desk and the waiter takes our order. Jaimee is a complete flirt with this guy and who can blame her. His dark brown curly hair is irresistible. And once again he's a Brit. What is up with today? I've met two incredibly attractive British guys in one day. Scratch that, within two hours. I just can't keep up. It's a good thing I am single though. But, who am I kidding. It's not like I am going to see these guys again.

"Thanks." Jaimee says as she slips something into her pants pocket.  

"My pleasure. Make good use of it." He tells her with a cheeky grin. 

Ummm, what? What could she have slipped in her pocket that he wants her to make 'good use of'? I am completely lost. Our food finally comes out and I take the bags since Jaimee is still talking to the guy.

"Nice to meet you, babe." He says to her. And I can tell that Jaimee is totally swooning. Us Americans aren't used to being called 'babe' like it's a normal thing. We use 'babe' with someone you're in a relationship with. Jaimee is the funniest flirt though. She is super shy, but when she is really taken up by someone, she becomes really bold. Me on the other hand, I am outgoing on a normal basis but, when I meet someone totally attractive, I sit there in silence absorbing their gorgeousness.

"Nice to meet you as well, Harry." She says to him with a smile. He gives her a wave with that cute cocked smile boys do that drive girls crazy. We exit the restaurant and head back to what we should start calling 'home'.

"May I ask what is in your pocket?" I ask her. 

"Um, what?" She says with total confusion.  

"That waiter guy gave you something and you put it in your pocket."  

"Ohhh, right." 

"So, what is it?" 

"Mmm, nothing." She says trying to be all mysterious. I knew she would do this. She likes to add suspense to almost everything. But, I love that about her. It makes things more interesting, I guess. 

"Really. Come on, Jaimee." I let out a laugh. 

"He gave me his number." She says with slight confidence.  

"OH EM GEE! WHAT?" I squeal.  

"I KNOW, RIGHT!" She squeals back.

I am so happy for her. And also proud, that guy was cute. Really cute. But, my eyes are still set on Zayn. But, once again, am I really going to see him again? Probably not. Wait. He lives in my apartment, or knows someone at my apartment. Since he was there today, I am bound to see him again at some point.

"You're still thinking about Zayn." She points out the obvious. 

"Yeah." I smile and tilt my head towards the floor.  

"I'm going to help you see him again." She says with determination. I laugh like it's not going to happen. 

"Hey," she says "you never know. He was at the apartment earlier so he must be there for some reason."

It's like she is reading my mind. This is why we are best friends. We are always on the same page. We arrive at out apartment and we are both on the look out for Zayn. We slowly walk down the lobby and try not to be obvious as we flip our heads in every direction hoping to find him. No sight of him so far. We continue up to the elevator and arrive at our floor. We walk even slower down the hall since it is where we saw him. As we creep down the hall, Jaimee starts singing some song that I can't figure out. Her tune is so far off, the song can't be determined. I laugh.

"What song is that?" I ask. 

She continues singing like, I am supposed to know what it is now. Her tune hasn't improved so I am still not sure what it is. 

"You're so strange." I giggle.

What's with her and singing down apartment hallways? We get to our door and my mood starts to become gloomy. We didn't see him. I didn't expect to see him but, that glimmer of hope was still inside of me. Oh well. I need to redirect my focus on moving into the apartment. But, it is just so hard when Zayn keeps popping up in my head. He must be something special since he consume so much of my thoughts. This just gives me all the more drive to see him again. I'm not giving up just yet.

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