Chapter Seven- Whisper to Me

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"Niall? What?" Jaimee is standing over me as I lay on the couch. 

"Yeah... I don't know."

I am trying to collect my thoughts. How could I be dreaming about Niall? I have the biggest crush on Zayn. This just doesn't add up. I sit myself up on the couch and Jaimee takes a seat next to me. She knows I am feeling conflicted.

"I didn't know you had any feelings for Niall at all. I thought you guys were just friends." She says with confusion. 

"Yeah, me too. I thought I liked him as a friend. I still think I do... but, why would I dream about him?"

The confliction is getting more and more confusing. I don't feel right seeing Zayn today. It wouldn't be fair to him so, I pull out my phone to text him. But, I can't get myself to do it.

"I can't do it. I feel so bad." I sigh.  

"I'll text him for you." 

"What will you say?" 

"That you're having a rough morning and ask if you're date could hold off a few days?" She asks for my approval. 

"I guess that's okay."

She continues to text him and we wait for him to reply. I won't be able to forgive myself if he is hurt by this. I showed how much I liked him and for me to just stop like this is strange. I don't want him to doubt my feelings for him. Even though I am...

Jaimee's phone goes off. "He said, that's fine."  

"That's it? That's all he said?" I ask. 

"Here." She shows me her phone.

Zayn: thats fine. i hope shes ok.. tell her to text me later? x

He doesn't seem upset. I feel a little better now but, not satisfied. Is it bad that I really want to see Niall now? I have been missing him. I let myself get to consumed with my romantic wishes with Zayn that I haven't seen Niall in a few days. I want to text him but, that would be so wrong. To ditch Zayn and hang out with one of his best friends that I might have feelings for? I can't do that. I lay back down on the couch and there's a knock on the door. I look over at Jaimee with a 'are you expecting someone?' look. She starts to blush and I immediately know it's Louis at the door. The door flings open before Jaimee could reach it and sure enough it is the Tommo. He embraces Jaimee and lifts her off of her feet. She giggles as he places her on the ground and silences her with a kiss. I smile at the two of them. They are so happy together. If only I wasn't so conflicted, that could be me wrapped in whoever's arms drowning with happiness. But, no. My dreams stepped in and took a toll on me.

"We are going to watch a movie." she says, "Would you like to join us?" 

"Sure." I tell her.

It's not like I have anything better to do. They both take a seat next to each other on the couch opposite from me. Of course they get all cuddly. I try to ignore them but, it is hard to when Louis starts to tickle Jaimee. Her laugh is so loud and obnoxious, it's hard to drown out. I begin to focus on the movie and they eventually settle down and watch it. I wish I could fall asleep during it like I did with Zayn. I can't sleep with all of this on my mind, though. It's nearly impossible.

"Are you going to get the door?" Jaimee asks me. 


"The door... are you going to let them in?" 

"... what?"

I finally get up to answer the door and it is Liam. Thank goodness it was Liam. If Zayn or Niall showed up, my emotions would be even more jacked up. And then I am wrong. Niall follows in behind him. 'Really?' I think to myself. 'Really?' Of all people, Niall is here. Niall. The person fooling with my emotions.

"What's the craic?" Niall says in his cute Niall ways.

Why is he being cute? Why? This isn't what I need right now. I smile at both of them and allow them in. We all settle in on the couches and Jaimee pauses the movie. Why are they here? If it wasn't rude to ask, I would ask them.

"I invited Liam and Niall over." Louis says, "I hope you don't mind."  

"Of course not!" I say with the least amount of sarcasm possible.

Jaimee caught on to my sarcasm and smiles at me holding back a laugh. I can't lie to myself though, I am relieved to see Niall again. I missed him. But, he is supposed to be like, my best friend. I shake all of these thoughts from my head and try to enjoy their company. Louis and Niall are talking about something sports related so I can tell Jaimee has tuned them out and I would usually join in but, I can't look at Niall and not have flashbacks to my dream about him. Jaimee gets up and sits next to me and we talk to Liam about something completely random. Niall comes over to me and sits down.

"I haven't seen you in a while. I missed you!" Niall says. 

"I missed you, too." I tell him. 'More than you know' I think to myself.

I need to talk to Niall about this. He is supposed to be my best friend. So, I need to just pull him aside and tell him about it. I finally build up the courage to do so when Louis decides we need to finish the movie. Maybe I can talk to Niall after the movie is over. Louis begins the movie and Jaimee goes over to him to cuddle again. I want to get invested in the movie but that's difficult when Niall is sitting next to me naturally being irresistible. I need to talk to him now. Right now. I tug on his sleeve and he leans in towards me.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" I whisper in his ear.  

"Yeah, sure." He whispers back.

We get up as quietly as possible and I lead him into my bedroom. I close the door behind us. I feel so nervous to talk to him about this. I don't even know where to start. We sit at the end of my bed and I take a deep breathe before I speak.

"So." I begin, "We all know I have the biggest crush on Zayn right?"

"Yeah." He laughs.

"I thought I really liked him. But... I think I am wrong."

"But, how?"

"It's hard to explain."

"So you don't like him anymore? What's conflicting you?"

I sit there for a minute. "You."

We both freeze. I can tell he is shocked. I close my eyes and tilt my head down in shame. I just know that I have ruined everything. My friendship, my potential relationship and just, everything. I look back at Niall and before I know it, he leans in to kiss me. It's not a soft kiss. He is really kissing me. I wrap my hand around his neck and he places his hands on my waist. We stop for a minute.

"Chelsey..." he whispers, "I have been waiting for the moment that you finally realize we are meant for each other."

After he says that, I jump at the chance to kiss him again. Kissing him is the best feeling I have felt in a long time. I don't want to stop. My hand makes its way to the back of his head. I massage his blonde hair and intertwine my fingers into a handful of it. His hand wrapped around my waist, slide up the my shoulders, then to my face. He eventually pulls away and the look on his face says everything. He is in love with me.

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