Chapter Four- You Again

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The door opens and Jaimee walks in wearing a new outfit. Harry walks in behind her. They're both smiling and giggling as they enter. They must've had a nice time together. I can see a strong friendship building up.

"You look nice." Niall says to Jaimee as she sits on the couch with Harry. 

"Will Louis like it?" She asks frantically with a slight laugh. 

"I'm sure he will." Niall assures her.

Everyone knows that Jaimee likes Louis. She makes it so obvious without even trying. It always happens this way. She doesn't think she is obvious, but she is so much that everyone around her is aware of it. We all laugh at Jaimee's expense. She is easy to tease. We hear a knock on the door and Harry gets up to let them in. It's not Zayn, it is Liam. He walks in and greets everyone with a genuine smile. He is so polite. It's nice to have someone around who is like that. He sits next to Niall and they do some kind of handshake or something. It was cute. The door knocks again and Harry gets up to open it. Zayn and Louis walk in. Both me and Jaimee are trying our best to keep ourselves composed.

"This is Zayn." Louis introduces.  

"Hey guys!" He smiles. 

We all say hi and settle in on the couches. Zayn looks over at me and I can tell he looks confused.

"Have we met before?" Zayn asks while looking back and forth at me and Jaimee. We both start laughing. 

"Yes... I ran into you near the elevator a week or two ago." Jaimee giggles and everyone joins in.  

"Oh, yeah." He says nodding his head. "You left me quite the bruise on my shoulder." He jokes.

We all have a laugh and I start to feel more comfortable. I can tell Jaimee is just itching to sit next to Louis. I think Harry caught on because he got up to get a drink and sat down next to Liam and Louis.

"I love you guys but, this is too many people on one couch." Louis chuckles. 

"Why don't you join Jaimee?" Harry suggested. Louis looks over at Jaimee. 

"Don't mind if I do." Louis says with a smile.

Zayn is sitting with Niall and I am alone. I decide to make a move. I trot over to Niall and Zayn and sit inbetween them. They both laugh as we are now crammed. Niall gets up and sits with Jaimee and Louis. Everyone is situated and Liam suggests a movie. We all agree and we put a movie in. When the movie begins, Harry snuggles up to Liam.

"Liam, I love you so much. Hold me." Harry says to Liam.  

"Aw, baby. I don't play for your team." Liam tells him. 

We all start laughing. They're so funny together, joking around like that. I begin to feel lucky to be apart of what seems like a very good friendship. I look forward to our friendship progressing.

The movie is almost over and me and Zayn are still sitting apart from each other. We are close but, not close enough. Louis keeps poking Jaimee as he has discovered how ticklish she is. Jaimee is giggling uncontrollably. Once again, everyone begins to laugh at her expense. The movie is over and everyone is getting ready to go. We all begin to hug and say goodbye.

"Dinner tomorrow?" I ask. 

Everyone agrees and departs out the door. Zayn doesn't leave.  

"I'm headed off to bed. Night!" Says Jaimee with a sleepy smile.  

Zayn walks over to me. 

"Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow."  

"Yeah, can't wait." 

He walks over to the doors and stops. He looks back at me. 

"It was really nice to meet you again." He says as his eyes smile at me along with his face.  

Butterflies are fluttering all over my stomach. 

"Nice to meet you again, too." I tell him. 

He smiles and walks out of the door.

I already cannot wait to see him again.

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