Chapter Six- Stereo Hearts

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Tomorrow took forever to arrive. I lay in my bed at nine in the morning just gazing at my ceiling. I wonder what we are going to be doing. Not like it matters, I am up for anything as long as I am with Zayn. I go into the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast for myself. A bowl, some milk and Corn Flakes. Jaimee walks in. I can tell she is about to question me about last night.

"So..." She says with a cocked smile. 

"He kissed me." I admit. 

"NUH UH!" 

I giggle. "Yup."  

"This is perfect." 


"You and Zayn. Me and Louis."  

"Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions." I warn her. 

"I'm just saying..." she says all giddy.

Maybe she's right though. Maybe it could all work out. It is ideal. Two best friends dating two best friends. Their personalities are so unique. I can't help but wonder if it's too good to be true. But, good things come to those who wait, right? Me and Jaimee have been single and waiting for some time now. I finish my cereal and change into something to go out with Zayn. I don't know what to wear considering that I have no idea what we are doing today. I settle on a casual yet trendy outfit and put my hair into a stylish ponytail in case we are doing something that involves the outdoors. While I wait for Zayn, I nap on the couch.

He arrives at my door and I rush over to open it. He greets me with open arms and embraces me. As he lets go, he slides his hand down to reach mine. He looks me in the eyes and says,  

"You look amazing." I blush and smile to myself.  

"You ready to go?" He asks me.  

I nod and we head out the door.

We reach his car and he opens the door for me. I step inside and he hands me a pink rose. Where did it come from? He gets in on the other side and starts the car. We head off and we are driving down a country road. I love it out here. He turns on the radio. Stereo Hearts comes on and he begins to sing along to it. I freeze for a minute at the sound of his voice. He is an amazing singer.

"Wow, you're an amazing singer." I tell him. 

"Oh no, nothing special." He tells me. 

I shake my head. "No, really. You're really good." I stress to him. 

"Well, thank you." 

"I wouldn't mind having a voice like that sing me to sleep every night." I joke. 

"We can arrange that." He says with a wink and a giggle.

Gosh, he is cute. We arrive in a field and I jump to the conclusion that we are having a picnic. I like the idea but, it isn't very original. We park randomly in the grass and get out of the car. He comes over to me and takes my hand and we walk. He doesn't have a picnic basket or anything. My confusion just keeps building. He starts to slow his pace and I try to match it.

"Chelsey." He says.  


"Close your eyes."

I don't hesitate to close my eyes. He guides me with one hand on my shoulder and the other in my hand. We walk for only a few moments when he tells me to open my eyes. Its an open green meadow with a blanket draped across the ground. I look around me and I see a small clear river in the distance. This place is beautiful.

"I hope you brought a bathing suit." He says all cheeky. 

"What?!" I say alarmed, "No!" 

"That's fine." He laughs, "I had Jaimee put one in my car early this morning."

Did he have this all planned? Did he put so much effort into this? I am amazed. We step over to the blanket and lay across it. He puts his hand in mine and we stare at the clouds.

"You know, I never thought of myself to be one who would fall quickly for someone." He says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"I don't know. I think I'm falling pretty quick for you." Our heads turn to face each other.  

"I think I am falling for you, too."

He leans in and kisses me softly. I reach over and place my hand on his neck. I look into his eyes and he says,  

"From the moment I met you, I knew you were something special. I didn't know we would end up together, but fate has it's ways."  

I don't say anything in return. I lean in to kiss him again.  

"Ever since I saw you, I couldn't take my mind off of you." I tell him. 

He smiles and we kiss again.  

"I'm glad the feeling is mutual." He tells me. 

We kiss again but longer. Our lips caressing one another. A drop of rain hits my cheek. He takes his hand and wipes it away.  

"I think it's time we go swimming in the river." He suggests. 

"In the rain?" I ask. 

"Why not?" He smiles.

We go to his car and I change quickly in the backseat. I hop out and we race to the river. He reaches for my hand and we jump in together. We lift our heads from the water and and he embraces me. We giggle and I get out to jump in again but something grabs hold of me.

I open my eyes and that's when I realize I had been dreaming.  

"Chelsey! Wake up!" Jaimee yells at me. "Zayn is going to be here soon." She is shaking my body awake. 

"Oh my gosh."  

"What?" She asks. 

I lay there for a second trying to take it all in. "I just had the most amazing dream about Niall."

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