Chapter Ten- Unexpected Love

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All of the boys are coming over today. Even Zayn. I'm not nervous, though. I know we are on good terms. A few days ago, I told Niall I loved him. I will never forget that moment. It was a moment when my life began to become clear. All of my confusion and rambling thoughts had disappeared. He was what I have been waiting for. It may sound cheesy, but sometimes cheesy is the only way to explain the truth. The weird thing is, I love Zayn, too. Not in the same way, but I really do care about him. I have a good, hopeful feeling that we will be friends for the rest of our lives. I mean, as long as I am still dating his best friend. And I don't see that ending anytime soon.

Jaimee comes trotting into the kitchen ready to begin the day. She rushes up to hug me. Our lives are now beginning and I couldn't be happier to spend it with my best friend. How could my life end up so right? I had no idea life could turn out in ways not expected. I thought I loved Zayn. I thought it was love at first sight. But, I couldn't have been anymore wrong. To my surprise, I fell for my best guy friend. And he fell for me, too.

"I luff you!" Jaimee tells me.

"I luff you more!" I giggle.

Me and Jaimee start making some breakfast. Louis runs into the kitchen yelling "SUPERMAN!".

"Why, Louis, why?" I ask, "This happens every morning..."

"I can't be no superman, but for you I'll be superhuman." Louis flirts to Jaimee.

Jaimee blushes to herself and I just laugh at their adorable yet awkward relationship. Harry comes walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Harry yawns.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I crashed here last night in the guest bedroom. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I mind." I say nudging him.

"How rude!"

"Get outta my kitchen!" I yell to him.

"Make me!" He jokes.

Me and Harry have become close and even me and Louis. They stay here most of the time now. I give Harry a hard time almost every morning about it. Niall has been staying here the past two nights but he's not up yet. I decide to go wake him. I creep into my bedroom and go over to him.

"Wake up, babe." I say to him softly.

His eyes flutter open. "Good morning, Princess."

I lean down and give him a soft kiss.

He gets up and puts a shirt on, unfortunately. We head to the kitchen. Jaimee is sitting on Louis' lap at the table. They already started breakfast. Me and Niall join them.

"The boys should be over soon." Harry says.

"What should we do today?" I ask.

"Maybe play Apples to Apples." Niall suggests.

We all agree. This should be interesting. Me and Jaimee have always loved the game. After breakfast, we all settle in the living room and get the game set up for when Liam and Zayn arrive. I take Niall aside to the hallway and he puts me against the wall. He kisses my forehead and then my nose.

"Stop Niall, stop!" I say begging for more...

He giggles.

"You make me so happy." I gush, "Weird how I thought I loved Zayn but, then you came into the picture. From the moment I met you, everything changed."

There's a pause.

"I love you." He replies.

I couldn't have asked for a better answer. We kiss one more time and go back into the living room. Liam and Zayn just got here. Liam smiles and runs up to hug me. Then, I see Zayn. I walk over to him and he reaches out for a hug. He embraces me with his strong arms.

"I couldn't be happier for you." He says in my ear.

"Thank you, Zayn. It really means a lot."

We release and he has a genuine smile on his face. I can tell he truly meant what he said. We gather around the playing cards and begin to play the game. I look around and see everyone smiling, everyone laughing, everyone happy. I turn over to Niall and he winks at me. This is what I have been waiting for. An amazing group of friends, my best friend and Niall. I have been longing for Niall all along and I can't wait to continue this life with them. Niall gets up and tells me he has something for me. I'm not sure what it could be. When he comes back, he has whatever it is hidden behind his back. When he sits down next to me, he reveals it. It's a bag of Peanut M&M's.

He hands it to me and says, "Your favorite."

~ The End

Written and plotted by: Jaimee (@LouTommoBabe)

Characters inspired by: Me (Jaimee), Chelsey and the boys of One Direction.

DISCLAIMER: Acts displayed by characters are not in any way true. It is all fiction.

For: Chelsey, my best friend. (:

Follow her on Twitter: @DJMaliksDJ

You can follow me, too!

Jaimee: @LouTommoBabe

Thanks for reading, much love! MUAH*

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