Chapter Three- Wishful Dreaming

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My alarm is going off and I don't want to get up. I want to stay within this dream. I am with Zayn and he tells me he loves me for the first time. We are having a picnic surrounded with roses. His eyes glowing from the sunlight and my hair flipping through the wind.


"Zayn... Zayn..." I murmur. 

I open my eyes and Jaimee is staring at me with her eyebrows perked.  

"Um, what?" She asks. 

"I had an amazing dream... thanks for ruining it!" I say jokingly.

I guess it is kindof ridiculous for me to be dreaming about a guy I don't know. But, like I have mentioned before, there is something special about him. I don't know if I'm just crazy or if it actually means something. Either way I can't get my mind off of him. My dreams seem fond of him as well. I eventually get up and dress into something casual. I head to the kitchen where I am surprised to see Harry sitting at our kitchen table.

"Hi..." I say to him caught off guard.  

"Good morning." He says.  

I walk to the table and take a seat. I feel kindof embarrassed because it's almost one o'clock. I slept in really late. When did he come over? It's not like Jaimee to have a boy stay overnight when she isn't in a relationship with them.

"When did you get here?" I finally ask. 

"A few moments ago. Me and Jaimee are going shopping."  

'So, he didn't stay overnight' I think to myself. 

"You're going... shopping?" 

"Yeah, she wants a manly opinion on outfit choice. Plus I know what Louis likes." He giggles. 

"Oh, wow." Is all I can mutter out. 

Jaimee walks in and takes a seat between me and Harry. She looks over at Harry and smiles.  

"You ready?" She asks him. 

"Ready as I'll ever be!" He says. 

They get up and head out the door.

"Have fun you two!" I advise them. They walk out the door and I am left in my kitchen alone. Which isn't a good thing considering this just gives me even more time to fantasize about Zayn. A week has passed since we met all the boys. Apparently Jaimee and Harry are best buddies now. I figured they were going to date each other, but as I speculated before, Jaimee has her eyes set on Louis. Me and Niall hit it off pretty well and are good friends now. I would like to hang out with him again. Maybe I should text him.

Chelsey: hey nialler, its chelsey. what are you up to today?

Niall: hey chels. not much , gona get some late lunch. wanna go?

Chelsey: yeah, sure sounds great

Niall: be there in 10 to pick you up

I am pretty excited. Maybe I can ask him stuff about Zayn. Or maybe he will bring Zayn. I head to my room to change and get myself presentable. I spray on some nice perfume and wait for Niall to pick me up. The door finally knocks and he walks in. I go up to him and reaches out for a hug. He smells really nice and I don't want to let go. He gives greats hugs. We release and he smiles at me.  

"Let's go." He says with enthusiasm.

We head out to his car and drive downtown. We live so close to downtown, it only takes a few minutes to get there. We arrive to the restaurant and walk in. He opens the door for me and allows me in. What a gentlemen. We are seated at a table and our orders are taken. For a moment, we sit there in silence but it is in no way awkward. I want to ask him about Zayn. But, how do I bring it up without it being weird?

"So, you guys have another buddy you hang out with often?" I feel so awkward. Who asks that? 

"Oh yeah, Zayn. He's been quite busy lately with family stuff." Niall tells me. 

"Gotcha." I say with a slight frown. 

"We are hanging with him tonight though. He's going to be less busy now." He says with positivity. 

"Awesome, you guys want to come to me and Jaimee's place?"  

"Yeah! That would be loads of fun."

I feel so relieved. I am finally hanging out with Zayn tonight. I am nervous though. We finish our lunch and head back home. Niall comes in with me and I tell him to take a seat. He pulls out his phone ready to call someone. "Zayn, my man!" ... (laughs) .... "Mate, you wanna come to my buddy Chelsey's tonight instead of your place?" ... "All the boys will be there." ... "It's two girls called Chelsey and Jaimee." ... "Chelsey is super pretty." He winks at me and I start blushing like no other. Is he trying to hook us up or flirt with me? Either way, I am fine with. He continues with the phone call. "Yeah man, come over around five." ... "See you later."

He hangs up the phone and smiles at me. I need to go change. I tell Niall to hang out in the living room while I get ready. I am stressing out about what to wear. I am beginning to feel like Jaimee. I finally just pick something and slip it on. I head back to Niall and sit down next to him.

"I guess I should text Jaimee and Haz about hanging out tonight." I say to him. 

"Already covered. I texted everyone." He smiles.

He is adorable. I begin to feel nervous again but, I try not to stress out much. I need to be relaxed when Zayn gets here and we meet for the first time... again.

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