Chapter Five- Peanut M&M's

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I woke up as soon as my alarm went off. I am eager to get the day started. I get changed and fix my hair. I walk downstairs and Jaimee is making Yorkshire Tea. Of course she is. That's Louis' favorite.

"Good morning." She says to me. 

"Good morning." 

"Want to go the Saturday buffet downstairs?"

Our apartment has free buffets on Saturdays. I am all for it, of course. So, we head to the elevator. Once again, Jaimee is singing and dancing down the hallway. She is singing "The City" by Ed Sheeran. I'm not quite sure what dance moves she's pulling off. We finally get to the elevator and Jaimee's singing stops. Thankfully. We get to the buffet and walk down the line to choose various food items.

"You excited to see Zayn?" Jaimee asks as she scoots her tray down. 

"Yeah. You excited to see Louis?" 

"Yes..." She grins at her plate.  

We continue down the line. 

"You should snuggle with him tonight." Jaimee says in her awkward Jaimee way of saying things. 

"Uh, I don't know." I laugh at her. 

"Come on. You know you want to."  

"Well obviously, but I want him to make the first move. I don't even know if he likes me."

We head back up to our room and I somehow convince Jaimee to not sing down the hallway. She still danced though. She lights up my day though, with her positive and carefree attitude towards life. Don't get me wrong, she has her bad days. And they can really bring her down. But, she knows how to make something as simple as walking down the hall enjoyable. That's why she is my best friend. We get the apartment set up for a nice dinner that Harry will be cooking for us. Since he is the only one with a slight expertise in cooking. I can bake though. I will be making us cookies later. According to Jaimee, I make the best chocolate chip cookies. I hope Zayn enjoys chocolate chip cookies.

A few hours pass and the boys should arrive in a couple of hours. Harry will be here any minute now to begin cooking dinner. Jaimee is getting ready at the moment and I am sitting on the couch catching up with my New Girl TV show recordings. I haven't been keeping up with the latest episodes. Harry walks in and greets me with a smile. He heads right into the kitchen and begins cooking dinner. I get a text from Zayn.

Zayn: hey is it ok if i come sooner? x

I smile at my phone screen and I don't hesitate to text him back.

Chelsey: of course, come anytime!

Zayn: ok cool. be there soon! aha :D xx

He is so cute. I can't wipe the grin off of my face. The smell of potatoes comes from the kitchen. I inhale the scent and rise from the couch. I walk into the kitchen and tell Harry how good it smells. He smiles and thanks me. Jaimee comes into the kitchen.

"Something smells really good." She says. 

"Why thank you." He says with a proud smile.

He steps away from the the stove and reaches out to hug Jaimee. He smiles and Jaimee grins back at him. He goes back to cooking his potatoes. I hear the door knock and it must be Zayn. My heart drops and I walk over to the door. I stand there for a moment and look over at Jaimee as I fix my hair. She gives me our thumbs up of approval gesture so I proceed to open the door. It is Zayn. He smiles at me and my whole world stops for a second. His eyes meet mine and I feel my heart skipping a beat. He comes towards me and he reaches for me to hug him. My arms wrap around his fit body. The warmth of his hug makes me freeze. I close my eyes and take in the moment. He begins to release his hold of my waist and the hug is over. He still has the same smile on his face but, there's a sparkle in his eye.

"Hi." Zayn says to me.  

"Hey," I say. "Come on in."

He walks in and I motion for him to take a seat on the couch. I sit next to him and we begin a casual conversation that is momentarily interrupted by Louis barging through the door and skipping into the kitchen. We all start laughing at Louis. I look over at Jaimee and her face is lit up with excitement. Louis walks over to her and gives her a sweet hug. Liam and Niall should arrive shortly.

"Dinner is almost ready!" Harry chirps.

Niall and Liam walk through the door with grocery bags.

"What do you have?" I ask them. 

"Peanut M&M's." Niall says.  

"And other candy." Liam adds. "Niall insisted on Peanut M&M's." 

"It's Chelsey's favorite." Niall says grinning as he looks at me.

How did he know? That's really sweet; what a good friend. They set the candy bags out on the kitchen counter for free feeding. Harry seems to be done cooking so, me and Jaimee begin setting the table. Zayn steps in and assists me. I smile with thanks when he takes the tower of plates from my hands and sets them neatly on the table for me.

"Thanks." I tell him.

He doesn't reply but he smiles his cute Zayn smile and we begin to take a seat. I am of course next to Zayn and Niall. Jaimee is in between Louis and Harry. Liam is next to Niall since they are buddies. This dinner was in no way awkward. We are all such good friends now, nothing could possibly be awkward with us. It's very enjoyable. Time passes and we have finished dinner.

"MOVIE TIME!" Liam squeals.

Liam loves movies. We laugh and agree to a movie. It seems like our thing to do together is watch movies. I'm not complaining though. Jaimee and Harry clean up the table as the rest of us settle in on the couch. Me and Zayn sit next to each other without hesitation. When Harry and Jaimee come over to join, Louis has a spot next to him for Jaimee but Harry sits down. Louis gives him a look of disapproval and Harry laughs. He gets up and gestures for Jaimee to sit. She happily sits next to Louis and they settle in close. Liam starts the movie. After nearly 20 minutes, Zayn wraps his arms around me and my heart drops. I try to contain myself and slow my heart beat. His hand rests on my shoulder. I move my leg to intertwine with his. He caresses my arm slowly sliding his hand up and down. After a while, I rest my head on his shoulder. He starts to play with the tips of my hair, gently pulling the ends repeatedly. My eyes slowly begin to close. I keep catching myself and re opening them but failing to keep it that way. I eventually fall asleep. Once the movie is over, I awake and find myself rested on Zayn's lap and he had fallen asleep as well. He wakes up and looks down at me. I smile at him and he leans down to kiss my cheek. Liam and Niall say goodbye and head out. Harry and Jaimee are having a conversation about something I can't quite pick up on. Jaimee is on Louis' lap and he has his head resting on her shoulder from behind listening in on her conversation with Harry. I sit up and stretch a little bit and Zayn puts his arm around my shoulder again. He looks at me with sleepy eyes.

"You look tired." I tell him.  

"A little bit." He yawns. 

"Then, go home to bed." I suggest. 

"I'm not ready to leave yet." 

I cock my head to the side. 

"Why not?" I ask. 

He smiles a shy smile and licks his lips. He leans in towards me and I close my eyes. His lips reach mine and he kisses me. A soft gentle kiss. He leans back and looks satisfied and smiles at me.

"See you tomorrow." He says.

We didn't make any plans for tomorrow but, I don't argue. I am completely fine with that.

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