Chapter Two- Room 323

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I'm beginning to laugh at myself. I feel so silly. Am I really this stuck on one guy I have only spoken one word to? This is so unlike me. Me and Jaimee have been moving stuff in all day and we are finally officially moved in. It feels good to be settled in. Once again, we haven't eaten all day. Jaimee has the idea of going back to the restaurant that the guy we met, Harry, works at. I feel like that would be slightly stalker-ish. We decide to just order pizza. Jaimee is so set on the idea of seeing Harry, that she decides she wants to invite him over to have pizza with us. I'm fine with the idea. 

"Okay, I'm going to text him." She finalizes. She picks up her phone and texts him.

Jaimee: hey, it's jaimee from the restaurant last night. would you like to join me and my friend for some pizza at our apartment?

He replies fairly quick.

Harry: yeah, sounds fun. may i bring a couple of friends?


"Tell him, yes!" I beg.

Jaimee: yeah, sure! see you soon.

She gives him directions to our house and he says he has a friend that lives here, too. Which is awesome for Jaimee, so now her chances of seeing Harry are a lot higher. We begin to set up the house with other snacks and drinks. We pick out a few movies in case they want to stay for one. After we get everything set up, we get ourselves ready. I already have an outfit picked out; I'm not really needing to impress anyone since I am so set on Zayn right now. Jaimee on the other hand, is flipping out over what outfit to wear.

"I need to go shopping. I have no clothes." She tells me. 

"You have tons of clothes..." I reply. Jaimee always does this. When she gets in a situation like this, no outfit is good enough for her. Even when she does go out to look for an outfit, she still doesn't feel satisfied. We don't have time to go shopping and they're just coming over for pizza anyway. But, she is still freaking out. 

"What about this?" I ask her. 

"I do love that shirt." She admits. 

She is finally set on an outfit and we head downstairs to wait for the boys to get here. I am excited. It will be nice to have people over to our own place.

The door knocks and Jaimee hops up from the couch and trots to the door. She stands in front of the door for a minute adjusting her hair and fixing her shirt. She looks over at me and waits for me to ok her appearance. I give her a thumbs up and she proceeds to open the door.

Harry walks in first and let me tell you, that boy can rock a plain white v-neck like nobody else. Following behind him is a guy with swoopy brown hair. I can already tell that Jaimee is going to be all over that. He is the epitome of Jaimee's dream guy. The last guy to come in has blonde hair. My jaw nearly drops. Is he even real? We begin to introduce ourselves.

"Hi, my name is Louis." Says the guy with brown swoopy hair. Jaimee shakes his hand and I can tell she is going to like, pass out.  

"My name is Niall." Says the blonde guy. He shakes both of our hands and we all settle onto the couch. Louis is also British but Niall sounds like he is Irish. Once again, I am struck with silence as three gorgeous guys are sitting in my house. Jaimee even seems a little shocked, too. She isn't saying all that much. We begin to start telling each other about ourselves after Jaimee orders the pizza.

After chatting a while, Harry gets a phone call. "Hey Liam." ... "Oh, yeah?" ... "Right now, I'm at a friend's house." ... "Jaimee and Chelsey." ... "Hold on one second." He places the phone on his lap to cover the speaker. He looks over at me and Jaimee and asks,  

"Is it ok if my other friend, Liam joins us?" I look over at Jaimee and she gives me the 'I'm fine with that' nod. I look back at Harry and say, "Of course."  

He picks up the phone and presses it to his ear. "You still there?" ... "Yeah, come on over." ... "Oh, right. Directions." ... "It's the same apartment as Zayn. Same floor, just a few doors down. Room 323."

I start to tune him out. Zayn lives in the same apartment as me. Zayn lives on the same floor as me. Zayn lives a few rooms down from me. I cannot believe it. Jaimee looks over at me with wide eyes. She knows I am freaking out inside and I can tell she is freaking out with me. Harry is off the phone. Jaimee gets up to bring some snacks over to the center table by the couches. Harry gets up to help her. I feel kindof awkward just sitting here though with two gorgeous guys I am not familiar with. I hear something break. It startles me and catches me off guard causing me to let out a gasp. Then, I hear laughing. I look over at the kitchen and see Jaimee and Harry cracking up.

"Everythings all good..." Jaimee tells us.  

"Jaimee is just clumsy and drops things. No worries!" Harry giggles. 

They are so flirting. They eventually come back to the couch and plop down on the couch right next to each other. I wish they would invite Zayn over. Why didn't they anyway?

Liam finally arrives and I am convinced that I am dreaming and none of these boys are real. They're too gorgeous to be legitimate. Liam is so funny though, I am really enjoying his company. The best part about hanging out with all of these boys who are best friends, is that they tease each other and it's quite adorable. It is like a giant bromance and I cannot get enough of it. I see a nice friendship forming with the six of us. But, what about Zayn? When he comes in the picture, I have to make him mine.

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