Chapter Nine- Living a Dream

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Niall doesn't take long to arrive. When he does, I don't let go of his hug that he greets me with. I don't want to. I don't hesitate to explain to him what happened with Zayn. It doesn't take long. He probably expected this, I'm sure. There are no hard feelings between any of us. If anything, it brought us all closer.

"I don't want to wait any longer to ask you this." He begins, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"How many yeses was that?"

"6." I smile.

We laugh and hug each other again. He finally kisses me. That's what I have been waiting for. Jaimee comes into the kitchen and sees us and she smiles. I can tell she is jumping around inside. She makes herself some breakfast and tosses a banana at me.

"Bananer!" I yell. It's an inside joke of ours. We both giggle.

"Niall, do you want anything?" Jaimee asks.

"I think I'm going to take Chelsey out for some food. Thank you though." He answers.

I toss the banana back at Jaimee and she doesn't catch it. She isn't very coordinated. Niall busts out laughing when she bends down to pick it up and hits her head on the counter. She laughs along, so I know she is ok. Me and Niall head out to go eat. As we are driving, it seems far off from downtown. I am not sure where we are headed. Niall turns on the radio and a Maroon 5 song comes on. He loves Maroon 5 so he sings along.

"I could listen to you sing all day" I gush.

He blushes. He truly is a good singer. I had no idea he could sing. I love this about him. We approach a field and he parks in the grass. I feel like I am in a dream, it all seems familiar. I step out of the car and he walks me to a nice spot in the grass. He lays out a blanket and motions me to sit down. We both sit down and he gazes at me. His blue eyes stare deep into mine. I wish we could stay in this moment forever. We lay down on the blanket and he takes my hand. I turn my head over to face him. I can't help but smile.

"I had a dream about this." I tell him.

"About us laying in a field of grass?" He asks.

"Yeah... is that weird?"

"Not at all." He grins.

"It was before I was supposed to go on my date with Zayn." I begin, "I feel like it was my heart telling me something, you know."


"My heart was telling me I wanted to be with you."


I begin to feel awkward. Niall isn't saying much.

"Niall, are you ok?" I ask.


"You're not saying much..."

"It's just that..." He stares into my eyes.


The awkwardness dissapears. I know what he wants to tell me.

"Chelsey, I-" He begins.

I cut him off and say, "I love you, too."

From the Moment I Met You, Everything ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now