Chapter Eight- Friendly Surprises

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I wake up to the buzzing of my phone. I wipe my eyes and lean for my phone on the side table. I grab it and pull it close to my face. Blinking to clear the blur from my eyes, I see I have a text message. It's from Louis.

Louis: hi sleepyhead, Jaimee told me to text you a wake up message. she has a surprise for you in the kitchen...... x

Jaimee has a surprise for me? What? I shake my head with confusion and slip on my squirrel socks. I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth, etc. When I get into the kitchen, Jaimee and Harry are making breakfast. Harry looks over at me.

"Hey you! Good morning!" He says all cheery.

"Good morning... what's the surprise?" I ask.

"Me, Jaimee and Lou are making you breakfast."

"But, why?"

"Just because." Louis says approaching from behind me. He gives me a hug and releases.

"You have amazing friends, ok?" Jaimee says with a smile.

It's true. I love when they do small surprises for me like this. It's so sweet. I take a seat and they serve me my breakfast.

"I wonder why Zayn hasn't texted me." I mutter.

"I think he knows what's going on." Harry admits.

"But, how?" I ask.

"He's a smart lad." Louis reveals.

"Ok, but how would he know I like Niall?"

"I don't know, but you do need to talk to him." Harry says.

He's right. I do need to talk to Zayn. As soon as possible. I don't want to drag this out any longer. I send him a quick text to come over whenever he is available and he replies saying that he will be over soon. It's nice that he lives just down the hall. I prepare my thoughts and wait for the knock on the door. When he arrives, I shoo Lou, Haz and Jaimee elsewhere and they obey my command. I allow Zayn in and I can tell he looks a little down. Considering he didn't hug me.

"I hope you're ok. I was worried about you." He says as he sits on the couch.

"I am. I'm sorry for ditching you like that."

"It's fine. Not a big deal."


"I can tell somethings wrong." He admits.

"You can?"

"Easily." He says, "I know something's up."


"Just tell me, it's ok. I will be ok."

"It's just that... I really like you, Zayn. But, Niall-"

"You like Niall?" He sounds surprised.

"Well I-"

"You guys would be perfect for each other." He laughs.

"Wait, what?"

"I like you, Chelsey, I do. But, I care more about your happiness and Niall can make you really happy."

"But, I'm sure you could, too" I admit.

He laughs. "Not as happy as Niall can make you. He really cares about you and he only backed off because of me."


"He's an amazing friend to do that for me. It's my turn to do him a favor for giving us a chance, and give him a chance."

"You're an amazing guy, Zayn Malik." I tell him.

"I know." He says with a cheeky smile.

He leans in to hug me and I feel so relieved.

"Now, call Niall before I do." He winks.

"Thanks." I tell Zayn.

I can't thank him enough. Not only for letting me and Niall be together but for being so accepting about it. And... encouraging it. He really cares about his best friend and it shows that he obviously cares about me. I feel so good right now. I just want to get Niall in my arms and keep him there forever.

Zayn and Harry head out leaving Louis and Jaimee here with me. They have plans of their own though, but wait for Niall to arrive to leave. I texted Niall as soon as Harry and Liam left. He didn't hesitate to answer me saying he is on his way. I can't wait to see him. I can't wait to hug him and never let go. I can't wait to tell him that I love him, too.

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