Thranduil's Prisoners

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Myra P.O.V

I awoke to soft linen and a plush ground as my eyes fluttered open. My eyes adjusted to the brighter surroundings as I noticed the intricate wood carvings. The room was enrmous and the bed sat on a platform at the back of the room. A set of double doors were straight ahead and another were to my right. I began to panic a bit since I was still dazed and didn't know how I got here. A hand gently grabbed my left shoulder, causing me to snap my head towards them.

"Myra, its okay you're home

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"Myra, its okay you're home." Legolas assured me as I threw my arms around him. He held tightly onto me and rubbed my back in our embrace.

"The spiders. Are they gone?" I asked as I leaned on his chest.

"Yes, Tauriel and I drove them back. They will not bother you now. Though I was suprised to find you with dwarves. I thought that Gandalf was going to escort you." Legolas replied.

"Good to know. He was with us but went to investigate the high fels." I informed him.

"Why would he go the opposite way?" Legolas asked

"A local informed us that the dead were seen walking near there. A wizard needed to stay with the company so only one of us could go. It made better sense for me to stay since I was the only one who had walked the path before." I told Legolas who seemed shocked. "Rhadghast said that there's a necromancer in Dul Gul Dur and the same local said that orc were converging in those ruins."

"I haven't seen any sorcerers or heard of any disturbances in the ruins. You're probably worrying over nothing. Gandalf will probably come back with good news." Legolas tried to assure me. I became infruiated at everyone's passiveness and lost my temper.

" It's not just a simple worry. Raids are common in the countryside, trolls have spread beyond the south, spiders enroach on your lands. The peace is hardly being held just like before. This entire journey, I've been constantly being captured by orcs and goblins. The worst part was seeing Azog alive; a constat reminder of the twisted use of my siblings lives." I yelled back as tears welled up in my eyes. Legolas noticed my sadness and began to apologise. He held me in his arms as i cried into his chest.

He stayed by my side the entire time as the healers checked me. They concluded that I needed at least a days rest and to stay away from stressful situations. When they left, Legolas and I were the alone once more. I could finally ask him about the company without prying eyes.

"Legolas, can I see the dwarves please? I promised Gandalf that I would protect them during the trek." I asked him sweetly.

"You are in no shape to travel outside this room. You heard the healers. Besides, you have only recently woken up and need the rest." Legolas reminded me

"Seeing as I can't leave this room, you could always bring them here. Please, I need to know that they are well." I pleaded again with puppy eyes. Legolas finally gave in and went to the doors to command the guards outside. Once the order was given, He returned to my side with a serious face. I looked back at him confused as I tried to determine his question.

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