Entering Erebor

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Thorin P.O.V

I slept peacefully as I held onto Myra. Her presence helped to soothe me which prepared me for the following morning. As I held onto her waist, I rubbed circles on her stomach. I let my mind wander about starting a family with her. A dwarf-elf child was unheard of and I was curious about how they would look. I would want our kids to inherit Myra's features: her beautiful hazel eyes, smooth tan skin and wavy hair. I knew Myra would want our kids to inherit my facial features which would suit a boy though. My daydreaming was interrupted when Myra woke up.

"Morning husband. Sleep well?" She asked as she looped her hands around my neck

"Morning wife. I always do with you. I'd prefer to stay here with you. But we have a kingdom to recover. I want to give you a proper house, one that we can build a life together in." I said before kissing her. It was a gentle kiss that was ended with touching foreheads.

We quickly got up and freshened up. After we got dressed, servants came in to deliver our armour. Myra's shoulder got better since she didn't ask for help tightening her shoulder straps. The master created a grand celebration for us with a band awaiting near our boat. We all began to pile in with our weapons. However, I stopped Kili who was looking worse.

"Not you. We must travel at speed. You will slow us down." I said as I helped throw weapons into the boat

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Kili stated

"Not now." I retorted which caught Myra's attention

"Kili, you need to rest. My magic was only a temporary fix until you saw a proper healer." Myra reminded him

"I am going to be there when those doors open. when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." Kili pleaded

"Kili stay here. Rest like your aunt says. Join us when you're healed." I told him as I held onto his head. He looked depressed as I went into the boat next to Myra.

"I'll stay with the lad. My duties lie with the wounded." Oin said before getting off

"Uncle. We grew up on the tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You cannot take that away from him." Fili pleaded despite Kili's protests "I will carry him if I must." He argued

"One day you will be king and you will understand." I told him before continuing "I cannot risk the fate of this quest for one dwarf. Not even my own kin." Fili was silent for a moment before getting out of the boat.

"Fili don't be a fool. You belong with the company." I said as I caught his arm

"I belong with my brother." He retorted before joining his brother. Music started as the Master appeared on his platform. He made a small farewell speech before allowing us to leave. Myra scowled at me a bit so we traveled in silence a bit. She finally spoke to me as we were halfway across the lake.

"Since when was a quest more important than family?!" Myra growled

"Since, I got married. How can you be a proper queen without a realm? I will not have you rule wandering folk like I did. You will have a better life than I did. I want a proper house to raise our family in. We are so close to having a place of our own that I can't let this slip by us. I'm sorry if I seem cold." I pleaded as I held her hands

" I appreciate that you want to give me a better life and build a future for us. But, I've been ruling in exile much longer than you. I married you because I love you not for your kingdom. Please remember that. Promise me that you won't get carried away and lose sight of our true purpose?" She pleaded as she caressed my face

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