Chapter 1: LORD HELP ME Know You Better

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I would tell you that if you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour,the answer to everything you will ever need for your life is within you.That's because the Holy spirit of God is in you.He promises to lead you in your life and teach you things you need to know.But you have to give your Life to Him and be patient to let him work in you His way and in his Timing.

To be transformed means to be changed permanantly.It doesnt
mean a temporary fix or a little bit changed.This is not about trying to be good enough in order to get God to love you. God already loves you.He loves you first.He is just waiting for you to love him.This is about coming to know Jesus,who is perfect and letting His perfect love change you and help you do the right things.This is about a close walk with God and the great things that will happen in you because of it.

What Everyone Wants
Everyone wants to be loved,but no one will ever be able to love us as much as God can.Only God can meet your needs all the time-and then only when you have a close relationship with him.No person can ever touch you as deeply as God can.No one can ever know you as well.Whenever you feel an emptiness inside of you that you want those closest to you to fill and they juat arent doing that,remember that this emptiness is put there by God.He wants you to come close to him so He can fill it.

God wants you to want him.And when you realise that it is really Him that you want,it frees you to identify the longings,loneliness,or emptiness inside of you as a sign that you need to draw near to God and ask him to fill you with more of Himself.But this deep relationship with God that we all want ,wheather we know its what we want at the time or not,doesn't just happen .It has to be sought after.We have to pray for a deeper relationship with God.We have to pray that our walk with God is not shallow.

Five Ways To Tell If Your Walk With God Is Shallow

1) If you Love the Lord only for what He can do for you,then your walk with him is shallow.If you love Him enough to ask what You can do for him,then your relationship is growing deeper.

2)If you only pray to God When things are tough or you need something,then your walk with him is shallow.If you pray to him often just because you love to be close to Him,then your relationship with God is Growing deeper

3)If you get mad at God or dissapointed in Him when He doesn't do what you want,then your walk with him is shallow.If you can praise God and pray to Him no matter what is going on in your life,then your relationship with him is growing deeper.

4)If you praise God only because of what He does for you,then your walk with him is shallow.If you also praise Him because of who He is,then your relationship with him is growing deeper.

5)If you feel you have to beg God or twist His arm to get him to answer your prayers,then your walk with him is shallow.If you believe that God wants to answer your prayers according to his will,then your relationship with him is growing deeper.

Spending Time Alone With God
We can never draw close to God and get to know him well if we dont spend time alone with Him. It's in those private times with God that we are refreshed and strengthened.That's when we can better see our lives from his perspective and discover what is really important.That's where we understand who God really is and all that he has for us.

Jesus Himself spent time alone with God.If anyone could get away with not doing it,surely it would have been jesus.How much more important must it be for us?

I know that finding time alone to pray to God can be difficult.But if you will make it priority you'll see answers to your prayers like never before.Remember if you haven't  been praying much you can't expect things to change overnight.When someone tries to get an enormous ocean linear turned around and headed in a different direction,it doesn't happen the moment they begin steering. In fact they may hardly see any changes at all at first. It's the same way with prayer.Prayer can turn your life around,but it doesnt always happen the moment you say your first words.If you haven't been praying very much,or not at all you cant expect things to change immediately.It may take a time of continued prayer before you actually see the scenery of your life begin to change. This is normal,so don't give up. You will soon be heading full speed in a new direction.

Far too often people give up just before they see the answers to their prayers. Just remember that this is not a short trip around the harbour.It's a lifelong voyage to meet your destiny.Giving up is not an option.

Naming Names
Do you have trouble remembering names? I know i do.Especially when i meet alot of people at one time.It's easier to remember faces than it is to remember names. With God it's different situation.He has only one face,but many,many names.The reason for that is there's so much to know about God that we need all those names to help us remeber.In other words,if we don't know all of his names,we may not fully understand all the aspects of who he is.
God is referred to by many different names in the bible,but sometimes we have trouble just remembering a few of the basics one.We may forget one just when we most need to remember it.For example,we may think of God as our provider,but forget that He is also our protector.Or we may remeber him as our Heavenly Father,but forget that He is also our Deliverer.

For eg:God's name is always a safe place to run to anytime you need help."The name of the Lord is a strong tower,the righteous run to it and are safe.
If you are sick,run to your Healer.
If you are in need of something,run to your Provider.
If you are afraid,run to your Hiding place.As you go through each names,thank God for being that to you.When you do you will be amazed at how your faith will grow and how much closer to closer to God you will feel.Knowing how much he has done for you will help you love him more.

Twenty Names Of God To Remember
1.)God is my Healer (Psalms 103:3)
2.)God is my Redeemer (Isaiah 59:20)
3.)God is my Deliverer (psalms 70:5)
4.)God is my Strength (Psalms 43:2)
5.)God is my Shelter (joel 3:16)
6.)God is my Friend (John 15:5)
7).God is my Restorer (Psalms 23:2)
8).God is my Father (Isaiah 9:6)
9).God is my Love (1 John 4:16)
10).God is my Hiding Place (Psalms 32:7)
11).God is my Resting Place (Jeremaiah 50:6)
12).God is my truth (John 16:13)
13).God is my Eternal Life (1 john 5:20)
14).God is my Lord who provides (Genesis 22:14)
15).God is my Lord of Peace (2 Thessolonians 3:16)
16).God is my shield (Psalms 144:2)
17).God is my Helper ( Hebrews 13:6)
18).God is my Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)
19).God is my Hope (psalms 71:5)
20).God is my Comfort (Romans 15:5)

Read these names often and everytime you do choose one name that you especially need God to be that day and then thank him for being that to you.And whenever you are reading your bible and you come across a name for God underline it or Jot it in the margin or add  it to the list here.It will reminds you of another aspect of who God is to you.

Prayer Power
    Lord ,I want to have a closer walk with you .I draw closer to you right now and thank you as i do,You are drawing closer to me just as you promise in your word(James 4:8).I want a deeper relationship with you.I want to know you in all the ways you can be known. I am open to everything you want to do in me and in my Life. I dont want to limit you by neglecting to acknowledge you in every way possible.Teach me what i need to learn in order to know you better. I dont want to be a person who is "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 timothy 3:7).I want to know the truth about who you are.Today i especially need to know you as my Lord and Saviour.Help me to trust that you will always be that to me. Help me to know you in that way more and more each day,in jesus name i pray.

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