Have you ever been around someone who complains all the Time or speaks negatively about themselves and others? Isn't it exhausting? The Bible says we are to "do all things without complaining and disputing" (Phillipians 2:14). If we complain,it reflects our lack of Faith in God. It proves that we don't believe He is in charge and can take care of us. It suggests that we don't trust God will answer our prayers. It shows we are not praying. Being around people with such an obvious lack of faith is depleting.
The best way to make sure that what comes out of our mouth is good is to put thoughts in our heart that are good. The Bible says that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34). If we fill our heart with God's truth and God's Love,that's what will come out.
Imagine if everytime you opened your mouth you spoke words that were laced with healing,encouraged,comfort,wisdom,love,and truth. You would be the most popular person around. (Except with the complainers and negative thinkers,of course). Talking that way all the time is hard to do on our own,but it's possible to do if you ask God to help you. It's dangerous to speak whatever comes into your mind-unless what comes into your mind is good. If you have your mind fixed on good things,and your heart is filled with good things,then the words of your mouth will reflect that.
Eight Good Things To Think About Daily
(From Phillipians 4:8)
1) Think about whatever things are true. If you are thinking about what is honest,genuine,authentic,sincere,faithful,accurate,and truthful,then you won't be saying anything false,incorrect,erroneus,deceitful,or untrue.2)Think about whatever things are noble. If you are thinking about what is admirable,of high quality,excellent,magnanimous,superior,or honourable,then you won't be saying anything that is base,petty,mean,dishonourable,or low-minded.
3)Think about whatever things are just. If you are thinking about what is fair,reasonable,proper,lawful,right,correct,deserved,and honourable,then you won't be saying anything that is unjustified,biased,inreasonable,unlawful,or unfair.
4) Think about whatever things are pure. If you are thinking about what is clean,clear,spotless,chaste,undefiled,or untained with evil,then you won't be saying anything that is inferior,tainted,adulterated,defiled,polluted,corrupted,unholy,or tarnished.
5). Think about whatever things are lovely. If you are thinking abou what is pleasing,agreeable,charming,satisfying,or splendid,then you won't be saying anything that is unpleasan,offensive,disagreeable,revolting,unlovely,omnious,or ugly.
6). Think about whatever things are of Good report. If you are thinking about what is admirable,winsome,worthwhile,recommended,positive,or worthy of repeating,then you won't saying anything that is negative,discouraging,undesirable,or full of bad news,gossip,and rumour.
7). Think about whatever things are virtuous. If you are thinking about what is moral,ethical,upright,excellent,good,impressive,or conforming to high moral standards,they you won't be saying anything that is depraved,unethical,licentious,bad,self-indulgent,dissipated,evil,or immoral.
8). Thinking about whatever things are worthy of praise.If you are thinking about what is admirable,commendable,valuable,acclaimed,applauded,glorified,exalted,honoured,or approved of,then you won't be saying anything that is critical,condemning,disapproving,disparaging,denouncing,belittling,or depressing.
Five Things That Happen
1).When A Wise Person Speaks,they give a reason for the Hope they have within them. The most important words we can speak are the ones that explain our faith to someone who ask or to anyone who will listen. God says we must be able to give reason for the hope we have within us(1 peter 3:15). We have to pray that God will help us become wise enough and bold enough and bold enough to clearly explain our faith in Him. We have to ask Him to help us tell others why we call Jesus our Messiah,why we can't live without the Holy spirit,and why we choose to live God's way. And we must be able to do this in a manner that is loving and humble,otherwise we will alienate those of whom God wants to draw to himself. If the love of God is not in your Heart,then it will not come out of your mouth. And what you say will not draw people to the Lord. It may,in fact do the exact opposite.
2). When a wise person speaks,they know that timing is important. When things need to be said that are difficult for the hearer to receive,timing is everything. Certain words cannot be uttered with ang success if the person listening is not open and ready to hear them. It's important to discern that and the only way to know for certain when to speak and what to say is to pray for wisdom about that in advance. The Bible says that we are not to be too hasty to speak(Proverbs 29:20). A wise person knows the they shouldn't share every single thought that comes into their heads "A fool vents all his feelings,but a wise man holds them back" (Proverbs 29:11). You may have good things to say but people aren't always ready to hear them. Only God knows for sure when someone is ready. Ask him to show you.
3). When a wise person speaks,they tell the truth.When we don't speak the truth,we hurt others as well as ourselves. "Therefore putting away lying, 'Let each one of you speak the truth with His neighbour',for we are members of one another"(Ephesians 4:25). Lies hurt everyone. On the other hand we can't run around speaking the truth without wisdom,sensitivity,and a sense of the Lord's timing. That hurts people. People don't want to hear every bit of truth about themselves every moment. It's too much for them. It's too much for us too. Sometimes it's better to say nothing and pray for God to show you when a person is ready to hear the truth. The truth you need to speak,especially about yourself and others,is God's truth. Don't speak negative things about yourself and others,is God's truth. Don't speak negative things about yourself or anyone else because those kind words don't match up with the word of God.
4). When a wise person speaks,they don't talk too much.
We have to be careful that we don't spend more time talking than is necessary. The Bible says "A fool's voice is known by his many words"(Eccleasiastes 5:3). I always told my prayer groups that we shouldn't spend more time talking about our prayer requests than we do praying about them. And we can't just spill words out of your Mouth without giving thought to what we are saying. The bible say's we will give account of every idle word in the day of judgement (Matthew 12:36). This is very scary thought. We must ask God to make us wise in the amount of talking we do.5). When a wise person speaks,their words are gracious. We can't speak words that are mean,insensitive,harsh,coarse,rude,deceitful,offensive,or arrogant,without reaping the consequences. With our words we will either build our lives or we will tear them down. And that includes our own life."The words of a Wise man's mouth are gracious,but the lips of a fool shall swallow him up" (Eccleasiastes 10:12). Ask God to create in you a clean heart so filled with his Spirit,His Love,and His truth that it will overflow love,truth,and healing,in your speech. Ask him to help you find words that speaks life to those around you.
Using Gods name as a curse word also violates God's greatest commandment which is "You shall love the Lord your God with all your Heart ,with all your soul,with all your mind,and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30). No one who loves God uses His name in vain. However this same word jesus when spoken in love by someone who reverances Him.,has a great power in it. It has the power to save,deliver,heal,provide,protect,and so much more. Using it profanely shuts off these very things from our lives.
What you speak affects your life more than you know. When you bless others,God blesses you. Wise people know this and choose their words and timing carefully. Don't let any of the great things God wants to do in your future be cut off from you because of careless words you speak today.
Prayer Power
Lord help me be a person who always speaks the truth and never lies. Help me to speak words that build people up and don't tear them down. Help me to speak life into the situations and people around me,and not death. Fill my heart each day with your love and goodness so that it overflows from my mouth. Help me to speak only things that are true,noble,just,pure,lovely,of good report,virtuous,and praise worthy. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight,o Lord,my strength and my Redeemer" (Psalms 19:14).
Your word says that "the preparations of the heart belong to man,but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord"(Proverbs 16:1). Help me to prepare my heart by being in your word. Fill my heart with your Love so that is what comes out in the words I speak. Convict my heart when i complain or speak negatively. Keep me from speaking words that hurt other people. Help me not to speak too quickly or too much. Show me when to speak and when not to. And when i do speak,give me words to speak that will help other people and make them feel good about themselves and their life. Give me words to explain my faith in a way that draws people to you. In jesus name I Pray.

The Power Of A Teenage Prayer
RandomWhen you pray are you sure God hears you? Do you sometimes wonder if your words are hitting the ceilling and evaporating into thin air? Do you ever doubt that your prayers really can make a difference? Well the truth is they cannot only make a diffe...