Everybody is tempted by something. When we are tempted,we are drawn towards something we know is wrong. Being tempted doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. We all have fleshly thoughts sometimes. And we all have an enemy who tempts us to take action on those thoughts so he can ruin our lives and keeps us from all that God has for us.
King David was tempted. When he took action on it,temptation nearly ruined his Life. He was a young man with everything going for him. He had good looks,musical talent,courage,wealth,prominence,authority,a good family,and God's favour. Yet he fell into temptation and had to commit sin on top of sin trying to cover it up. He obviously had too much time on his hands,and he wasn't where he was supposed to be. He was out on the roof of his palace watching the women next door take a bath instead of going to war with his men the way other kings did. His biggest mistake was not that he was exposed to temptation,for that can happen to anyone,but that he didn't turn away from it and run to God in repentance immediately.
He stayed and stared. He thought and schemed.He let his lust rule him instead of his God. He had an affair with this married woman, Bathsheba,while her husband was away at war. When she became pregnant,David had her husband murdered in order to cover up the affair. As a result of his succumbing to temptation,he became a murderer and an adulterer and ended up paying for it for the rest of his life-even to the point of seeing the death of two of his own sons..
Temptation happened to Jesus too. But He did the right thing and david did not. Jesus stood strong in the word of God and David forgot about it.
I Have seen far too many people sacrifice their lives by giving in to temptation. There are many kinds of temptations,such as lying,cheating,stealing,taking drugs,breaking the law,and disobeying the rules. The one that seems to trip up most people most often is sexual temptation. I have seen talented people succumb to sexual temptation and forfeit the promising life God had for them. They fell like meteors and burned themselves out when they could have been a shining star today.
When people fall into sex sins of any kind,even when they repent and receive God's forgiveness,they lose what could have been if this sin had never happend. David was forgiven and restored ,but he lost the thing he loved most his son and his reign was marred from that point on with one disaster after another,including the death of another son and many family members. God still loved him,but his sin had consequences are when they give in to sexual temptation.
If you ever find yourself being attracted to something or someone in a way that isn't pleasing to God,confess it immediately and ask Him to set you free from it. Don't wait a minute. Then tell satan that you recognize his plan to destroy your life and separate you from all God has for you and you are not going to allow him to do it. Don't stop praying about it until the temptation is gone. "Watch and pray,lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing,but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41).
Six Things To Remember About Temptation
1) Who. Temptations can happen to anyone. No matter how spiritual and solid you think you are,you can fall into temptation. The people I have seen who fell the hardest were those who are prideful about what good Christians they were. They bragged about their spiritual strength and godliness,and their pride kept them from seeing the truth until it was too late.2) What. You can be tempted by anything. The most common temptation today is sexual because the opportunity for it is everywhere and it is so accepted by our culture. But there are other kinds of temptation,such as pornography,occult practices,and the unhealthy need for recognition,admiration,money,and power. "Each one is tempted when he is drawn awag by his own desires and enticed. Then,when desires has conceived it gives birth to sin,and sin when it is full-grown,brings forth death. Do not be deceived" (James 1:14-16). The enemy will tempt you in the way you are most susceptible. Whenever anything tempt you ,ask God to Give you the strength to resist it. Guard your vulnerable areas with prayer.
3) When. Temptations can happen anytime and often when you least expect it. When it does happen,the danger is in thinking you can handle it alone. It's best to take it to God and confess it immediately,and then find someone trustworthy to pray with you about it. Don't think temptation will just pass. The pull is too powerful. The risk is too great. Treat it as a serious threat no matter when it happens.
4) Where. Temptation can happen anywhere. In church,in school,at work,at home,an a bus or a plane. It will happen in the place you least expect it. Wherever it is,separate yourself from it immediately. If chocolate tempts you,don't hang out in the candy store. The smell of it will drive you crazy and weaken your resistance. If a certain person tempts you to do things you know you shouldn't don't be around him or her. Or if you must be with them,don't be alone. Separate yourself from the temptations and ask God to kill that lusts in you. He will!
5) Why. The reason the enemy tempts you is because he knows of the great things God wants to do in your life,and he thinks you are dumb enough to give it all up for a few moments of worldly pleasure. He knows that only do you stand to lose from it,but other people will be hurt by your sin as well. When you recognise the trap he is setting for you,decide right then that you are not going to fall into it and allow him to destroy your life.
6) How. You have to remember that no matter how you are being tempted,it is a setup by the enemy intended to bring you down. He will find your greatest weakness,need,or insecurity and try to lure you with whatever you are most easily attracted to. This is the best reason to get rid of your insecurities and become a whole person. It eliminates one of the ways the enemy has access to your life. For example, you may be tempted to do something wrong in order to be liked or accepted. But if you know who you are in the Lord you won't fall for it.
Temptation Evasion
The best way to avoid falling into temptation is to pray about it before it happens. After temptation presents itself,resisting it becomes much more difficult. Jesus taught us to pray, "Do not lead us into temptation,but deliever us from the evil one"(Matthew 6:13). That may sound to you like God is the one tempting us,but he Doesn't do that. We are tempted by the enemy,and we are tempted by what our flesh wants.God tells us that we are to "stand fast therefore in the liberty by which christ has made us free,and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage" (Galatians 5:1). We can call on the name of the Lord, "for in that He himself has suffered,being tempted,He is able to aid those who are tempted"(Hebrews 2:18). Don't ever think you are immune to temptation. Jesus instructed His own disciples to "rise and pray,lest you enter into temptation" (Luke 22:46).
With regard to sexual temptation,ask God to keep you pure and untarnished. If you have already fallen in this area,ask God to make this day a new beginning for you. He will do that. There comes a time in all of our lives when we are desperate to know that God is close and that He hears our prayers and will answer. We won't have time to get right with God;we will have to already be right with God. Now is the time to start living pure lives if we want to see our prayers answered in the future.
Jesus temptation happend just before the greatest breakthrough in His life. It will happen before the greatest breakthrough in yours too. Be ready for it. And remember that no matter how great the temptation is you face, "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4). Because of Jesus in you,you have the power to overcome temptation.
Prayer Power
Lord make me strong so I don't fall into any traps of the enemy. Do not allow me to be led into temptation,but deliever me from evil one and his plans for my downfall. The area I am most concerned about is (name any area where you might be tempted). In the name of Jesus, I break any hold yemptation has on me. Help me to resist anything rhat would tempt me away from all you have for me.
I pray that I will have no secret thoughts where I entertain ungodly desires to do or say something I shouldn't. I pray that I will have no secret life where I do things I would be ashamed to have others see. Don't allow the enemy to sneak up on my blind side and take me by surprise.
Lord, I know you have called me to purity. Help me to "cling to what is good"(Romans 12:9) and keep myself pure (1 Timothy 5:22). Help me to separate myself from all that is not of you,and not have comfusion about this.Give me discernment to recognize anything in my life that is worthless so I can get rid of it. Set me free from any weakness that could lead me away from all you have for me (Psalms 145:18-19). Thank You for delivering me out of all temptation and keeping it far from me. In Jesus name I Pray.

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