Isn't it great that God can take the tiniest bit of Faith we have and make it grow into something big when we act on it? The bible says that "God has dealt to each one a measure of Faith"( Romans 12:3). That means He has already given us some faith to start with. But when we take action on our Faith- step out and do something that takes faith on our part to do- God increases it.
Wheather you realize it or not,you are living by faith everyday. Each time you go to a doctor,you trust he is not going to kill you. When you buy medicine from the pharmacist,you believe he will fill your prescription correctly. When you go to a restraunt,you have faith the staff will not poison you. (Some restraunt require more faith than others.)How much more should we trust God?
How Great Things Happen
We have no idea what great things God wants to do through us if we will just step out in Faith when he asks us to. That's why He lets us go through some difficult times. Times when we feel weak and vulnerable. He allows certain things to happen so that we will turn to him and give him our full attention. It's in those times when we are forced to pray in greater faith,that our faith grows stronger. Jesus said "According to your faith let it be to you"(Matthew 9:29). This could be a frightening thought,depending on the kind of faith we have. But there are things we can do to increase our Faith.One of the things you can do to increase your faith is to read the word of God. The Bible says that faith comes by simply hearing scripture(Romans 10:17). Every time you take the promises and trusts in God's word and declare them out loud,you will be able to sense your faith increasing. When ever you take God at his word and trust that it is entirely true,your faith increases.
Praying is another thing you can do to increase your faith. That's because prayer is already an act of faith. It's a way you can reach out and touch God. At one point a woman reached out to the Lord believing that if she just "touched the hem of his garment" she could be healed. Jesus told her that her faith had made her well,and she was healed at that very moment(Matthew 9:20-22). Everytime we reached out and touch God in prayer our lives are healed in some way and our faith is increased.
Everytime it becomes more and more crucial that we have faith. There will be times in each of our lives when we will need the kind of faith that is difference between success or failure,winning or loosing,life or death. That's why asking for more faith you have,God can increase it. Even when your faith seems small,you can still speak in faith to the mountains in your life and tell them to move,and God will do impossible. You can pray for the injured parts of your life to be healed,and God will restore them. You can ask God to increase your Faith and give you boldness to act on it,and He will do it.
What promise of God would you like to claim in faith as your own right now?what prayer would you like to boldly pray in faith and see answered? What would you like to have happen in your life,or in the life of someone you know,that would require a prayer of great faith? Ask God to take the seed of faith you have and grow in into a giant tree of faith so you can see these things come to pass.
Believe That God Can Set You Free
God has set me free from many things,including alcohol,drugs,fear ,depression,anxiety,and unforgiveness,to mention just a few. I have seen the Lord set me free in an instant,and i have also been through a process that took a long time. Regardless of how long it took,what matters most is that it happened. But it didn't happen without faith on my part and the faith of the people who prayed with and for me.We all need to be free of something at one time or another. That's because no matter how spiritual we are,we're still human. And no matter how perfectly we try to live,we still have an enemy who is trying to erect strongholds of evil in our lives. God wants us to be free from anything that separates us from Him. Jesus taught us to pray, "Deliever us from the evil one" (Matthew 6:13). He would not have said that if we didn't need to be delievered. But so often we don't pray that prayer because we don't have faith in what God says. So often we live our lives as if we don't have faith that jesus paid an enormous price so we could be free. The Bible says that says that Jesus "gave himself for our sins,that He might deliever us from this present evil age,according to the will of our God and Father"(Galatians 1:4).
Do you ever feel distant from God no matter what you do? Does it seems as though your prayers are never being heard or answered? Do you feel discouraged and sad more than you feel the joy of the Lord? Do you find yourself coming back time and again to the same old problems,the same old habits in your actions or thoughts? Do you always feel bad about yourself? If you said yes to any of these questions, I have good news for you. God wants to sets you free. But you must have faith that He can and will do it. And you have to pray a prayer of faith.
So often we go along with the devil's plans for our lives,not knowing we don't have to put up with them. Jesus came to lift us above the enemy who wants to destroy us. He wants us to have faith in him as Delieverer and believe that He will sets us free from all of that is not His Best for our lives. The bible says, "if the son makes you free,you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). That means that no matter how strong that thing is you'rr struggling with,you must have faith that God's Power to deliever you is far stronger.
Worshiping God is as great act of faith. Everytime you worship Him,something happens in the spirit realm to break the power of evil. That's because you are in His presence and wherever he is,there is freedom and delieverance. "Now the Lord is the spirit,and where the spirit of the Lord is,there is liberty" (2 corinthians 3:17).
Whenever the enemy tries to tell you that you will never get free of something,drown him out with praise. Thank God that He is the delieverer and you are being delievered even while you are praisimg him. The Bible says "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,and delievers them" (Psalms 34:7).
If it ever seems like your are sliding right back into the very thing you're already been set free of,dont even waste time getting discouraged. Remember that delieverance comes from the Lord,and it is an ongoing process. God does a complete work,and He will see it through to the end. So don't give up because it's taking longer than you hoped. Have Faith that "He who has began a good work in you will complete it until the day of jesus christ"(Philippians 1:6)
Believe That Nothing Is Impossible With God
God is the God of the Impossible. I have seen that proven true so many times in my life. There would be an impossible situation in which it seemed like there was absolutely no way for things to work out. But I would pray about it,having faith that God hears and answers prayer,and the next morning something major would change and God would do something I never dreamed could happen. He would provide a way through or around the situations or else He would lift me above it.Whenever you find yourself in an impossible situation,dont let yourself get discouraged or down about it. Tell him the problem. And then thank Him that there is nothing too hard for him. Ask Him to establish in you a faith so strong that it doesn't waver, no matter what obstacles,problems,trials,and challengers you face. You will be amazed at how a small seed of faith inside of you can grow into faith that can move a major mountain in your Life.
Prayer Power
Lord increase my faith, Teach me how to "walk by faith not by sight"(2 corinthians 5:7). Give me strength to stand strong on your promises and believe your every word. I know that "faith comes by hearing,and hearing by the word of God"(Romans 10:17). Make my faith increase everytime I hear or read your word.
I know that I have been "saved through Faith",and that salvation is a gift from you(Ephesians 2:8). Increase my faith so that I can pray in power. Give me faith to believe for healing everytime I pray for the sick. I don't want to see a need and then not have faith strong enough to pray and believe for the situation to change.
Lord help me "to ask in faith,without doubting," for "he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind". I know that a doubter is a double minded and unstable and will not receive anything from you (James 1:6-8). I know that "whatever is not from faith is sin" (Romans 14:23). I confess any doubt i have as sin before you,and I ask You to forgive me. I don't want to hinder what you want to do in me and through me because of doubt. Increase my faith daily so that I can move mountains for your glory. In jesus name I pray.

The Power Of A Teenage Prayer
RandomWhen you pray are you sure God hears you? Do you sometimes wonder if your words are hitting the ceilling and evaporating into thin air? Do you ever doubt that your prayers really can make a difference? Well the truth is they cannot only make a diffe...