Chapter 3:Lord Help Me Forgive Others

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Even though my Dad was a Non-beliver When i was growing up,my mum wasn't.She was kind. When a became a christian ,forgiving my Dad was the obvious thing to do,and thats what i did because i wanted to be free of the past. I didnt realize until Years later that he wasnt the only one i Needed to forgive.
I was talking to a friend one day who was a very strong believer,and i told him that i felt like my life wasnt going anywhere and i was very frustrated about it. He said He thought it was because i needed to forgive my Dad.

When i forgave my dad that day i finally felt a sense of peace like i never had before. And after that there was real breakthrough in my life. I could feel my life moving in a good direction.I could sense God guiding me more than ever. When we dont forgive ,it keeps us from moving on in our lives.

Most of the time we know when we haven't forgiven someone, we feel it in our hearts.We dont want to forgive that person because what they did to us hurt a lot and we want them to pay for it in some way.And that ends up making us miserable.
If you realize you haven't forgiven someone for something,confess it to God.And remember that Forgiving someone doesnt make them right;it makes you free.In other words when you forgive a person it doesn't Justify what they did.It's not saying that what they did wasn't wrong or hurtful.It's saying that you want to let go of it completely and move on with your life. If you don't you will end up like i did,stuck right where you are and feeling that you are not getting anywhere.

Sometimes we can be unforgiving towards someone and not even recognise it. We think we are forgiving but we really aren't.In order to make sure that doesn't happen to you,you need to do what i did and ask God to show you the truth about yourselves.Say "Lord,show me if there is anyone I have not forgiven". Then,when a person comes to mind who has said or done something hurtful to you,confess it to the Lord and ask Him to help you get free of it. You will feel so good when you get that heavy weight of unforgiveness off your shoulders.

Making The Better Choice
I know "hate" is a very strong word,and we hate to use the word "hate" about anything.And we certainly hate the thought that we might actually have hate for another person.But that's what not forgiving is---the root of hate. When we entertain unforgiving thoughts,they turn to hate inside of us.And that can make us sick.It certainly makes us unattractive to others.

Jesus felt so strong about this that he said "Whoever hates his broher is a murderer,and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him (1 john 3:15).He also said "Whenever you stand praying,if you have anything against anyone ,Forgive him,that your Father in heaven may also forgive you,your tresspasses"(Mark 11:25).

When we choose not to forgive,we end up walking in the dark.(1 john 2:9-11).We cant see clearly ,and soo we stumble around in confusion.This throws our judgement off and we make mistakes.We becomes weak,sick,and bitter.Other people notice all this because our lack of forgiveness shows in our face,words,and actions.They see it even if they can't identify exactly what it is,and they don't feel comfortable around us.When we choose to forgive,not only do we benefit ,but so does everyone around us.

When You Feel You Can't Forgive
Forgiveness is never easy,but sometimes forgiveness can seem impossible in light of the devastating pain you have suffered.If you can think of someone you are having a hard time for forgiving,ask God to help you.If someone has embarrased you,rejected you ,been rude to you,or said something bad about you to your face or behind your back,ask God to give you a heart of forgiveness for them. He will do that even when it seems impossible.When you forgive someone you release them into God's hands so He can deal with them. Forgiveness is actually the best revenge because it only sets you free from the person you forgive,but it frees you to move into all the good things God has for you.

Remember that forgiving someone doesn't depent on that person admitting their guilt or apologizing to us. If it did,most of us would never be able to forgive anyone.We can forgive no matter what the other person does.

Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves for things we've done.sometimes we need to forgive God when things have happened and we have blamed him.Ask God to show you if you have either of these things in your heart .Dont let any kind of unforgiveness limit what God wants to do in your Life.

Whatever It Takes
Four hundred and ninety times!. That's how many times we have to forgive a person.Peter asked Jesus "Lord how often shall my brother sin against me,and i forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him "I do not say to you ,up to seven times,but up to seventy times Seven (Matthew 18:21-22).

Everything we do in life that lasts forever hinges on two things: loving God and loving others.It's far easier to love God than it is to love others,but God sees them as being the same. One of the most loving things we can do is forgive.Its hard to forgive those who have hurt,offended,or mistreated us.But God wants us to love even our enemies. And in the process of doing so,He perfects us (Matthew 5:48).

When you forgive others,it shows God how much you love Him.It opens your heart and mind and frees you to experience God's love in greater messure. It releases you to move in to all He has for you.

Prayer Power
Lord, help me to understand how much You have forgiven me so that i Won't hold back forgiveness from others. Help me to forgive myself for the times I have failed. And if I have Blamed You for things that have happened in my life,show me so I can confess it before you.
Help me to pray for those who hurt me so that my heart will be soft towards them.And if any person has unforgiveness towards me,show me what i can do to resolve this issue between us. I pray you would soften their their heart to forgive me.
Lord show me if i have any unforgiveness towards my mother or father for anything they did or did not. Help me to forgive any family member or friend everytime I need to do so. I dont want anything to come between you and me, Lord i dont want to Limit what you want to do in my life because of my lack of forgiveness. In Jesus name I pray!!!..

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