Chapter 7

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     "How are you?" Scott twiddled his thumbs in his lap.

     "I'm good."

     "So, why did you come to see me?" Scott's face scrunched in concern.

     "I think you know why I'm here," Mitch said softly and looked down at his hands. "Why did you tell everyone not to tell me?" Scott's heart dropped with the sadness in Mitch's tone.

     "How did you find out?" Scott whispered. His eyes flicked back and forth between Mitch's.

     "My parents. I asked how you were and my dad didn't want to keep it a secret."

     "I'm sorry you had to find out from someone other than me. I would be pretty upset if I had found out that way. I had every intention of telling you eventually but I would always hear about how well your life was going from Kirst or Nel. I didn't want to take that happiness away from you. I know how bad it sucks and you deserve to be happy." Mitch scooted closer to Scott on the bench, pushing the larger man's knees apart wider and laid a hand on his knee.

     "As much as it hurt to find out that way, I'm not mad, Scott." Scott's face softened at Mitch's gentle words and he laid his hand on top of the smaller one resting on his knee. "Kirstie told me you called her. She said that you... seemed... sad." Mitch wasn't sure how to word what was running through his head. "I feel really guilty, like maybe if we had stayed in better touch, I would know how you were doing and what was going on and I would've been able to be there for you." Scott's eyes misted and a lump formed in Mitch's throat. "I'm sad that we parted ways for a bit there, but I couldn't stay away knowing what I know now."

     Scott's features drooped and he broke eye contact, running a hand through his hair, then let his eyes settle on the stars above them. Mitch could see him let out a shaky breath. "I don't want you to hurt like I am hurting." Tears spilled over onto his cheeks. Mitch placed his hands on Scott's cheeks and brushed them away as they fell.

     "Scott, you are so important to me. I would rather hurt with you if that meant you would hurt a little less than not hurt at all and watch you suffer." Scott opened his eyes to be met with sincerity and grabbed Mitch's wrists, tilting forward into the comfort. Mitch immediately pulled Scott's head towards him, making his forehead meet his shoulder, and wrapped his arms around the larger man's frame and squeezed. He felt Scott sob against him, his whole body shaking violently. Mitch left small kisses on Scott's shoulder and neck, letting him cry his heart out there on the bleachers.

     After a short while of holding Scott, Mitch straightened up and Scott leaned back a little. He stared at Mitch's collar bones and sighed heavily. Even after crying Mitch still thought he was handsome. He raised his hands to wipe the tears from Scott's face, but his fingers, with a mind of their own, continued their journey relearning the features. He noticed Scott sigh again and watched his eyes fall shut, enjoying the slow touches along his forehead, to his temples, and down along his jaw. They stilled on his cheeks.

     "I'm here for you if you want me, and if you need someone to talk to." Scott, once again, opened his eyes to meet sincere brown ones.

     "Thank you, Mitch." Scott turned his head and kissed Mitch's palm, then straightened and stood up, Mitch's hands sliding from his face. "Let's go home."

     They rode back to Scott's house the same way they did to the High School, fingers entwined. When Scott put the car in park in the driveway, he squeezed the hand he held getting Mitch's attention. "Have you eaten dinner? I know it's getting a little late but I'm sure we have leftovers you could have."

     "I actually haven't eaten all day. I don't think a bite of a taco really counts, at least."

     "Great, come on in." Mitch nodded and they exited the car, walking slowly up to the front door. The living room was vacant now and the whole house seemed really quiet. Mitch assumed everybody went home or to bed already. He followed Scott into a kitchen that matched the memories of his childhood. The only things changed were the added pictures and drawings on the fridge. Mitch leaned against the counter while Scott grabbed the leftovers from dinner, and watched as he scooped two plates worth and took turns microwaving them. They settled in chairs at the table and ate in silence. He could tell a lot was still running through Scott's mind, but when he didn't say anything, Mitch got up and threw their plates away. He turned around and bumped into Scott.

     "Oomph. Sorry." Mitch stepped back with a pink face. Scott's brows furrowed. "Um... I guess I'll be heading out now."

     "Sure, uh... I'll walk you out." Scott led the way back through the entryway and out to Mitch's car parked in the road. They both rounded it and Mitch opened the door.

     "Hey, Scott?" Scott looked up from the ground. "My flight back to LA is on Thursday, but I'm yours every minute until then". Scott nodded. Mitch leaned in and wrapped his arms around him, barely giving the taller man enough time to hug him back before he was pulling away and sitting down in the car. He rolled down the window. "Call me if you need me, okay?" Scott leaned down and looked into Mitch's eyes.


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