Chapter 19

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     Mitch looked over to see Scott pull in a deep breath and let it out shakily with his head resting on the steering wheel. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, knowing that nothing he could do would help the man, but trying anyway because he loved him. "Come on baby, let's go get some sleep." Scott nodded and followed Mitch inside.

     Not unlike the first night they spent together, Scott watched as Mitch attempted to undress him. Pushing his jacket from his shoulders and pulling his shirt off. He watched as Mitch scanned his face, then his arms, and then his torso. His skin was set ablaze under that gaze and he didn't ever want anyone else looking at him. He could detect some pity, but that was how people seemed to look at him nowadays and he didn't really mind it, considering it comes with good intentions after all. His eyes were clear and big and captivating and Scott swore he would get lost in them and never find his way back if he stared too long. He wanted him. He hadn't been with anyone in a long time, and maybe now wasn't how he pictured this happening, but he needed this man bad. He knew the intoxicating thing that was his Mitch would help put the pieces of his heart back together. He realized they had been staring at each other for a while now.

     Mitch stood locked eyes with Scott and watched many emotions cross the man's face. He felt trapped in that moment, the air thick with a strange anticipation, but he wasn't going to make any moves. Finally, a look settled behind Scott's eyes that was a mixture of 'heart-eyes Hoying' and... something else. Mitch's heart was beating out of control with this prolonged eye contact. Scott's eyes broke from his to glance at his lips then back up. He watched as the man leaned back on the bed to his elbows and flicked his eyes down to his pants then back up into Mitch's soul. 

     Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. It's desire. He's fucking asking me with his eyes to take his pants off and Goddamn those eyes are getting to me. Mitch tried to keep his cool as he cocked his head to the side in question. Wait, maybe he doesn't even want sex. He second-guessed himself. He's probably just too tired to do it himself. Mitch brought his bottom lip between his teeth and lightly bit it in worry.

     The fire behind Scott's eyes flared in watching Mitch bite his lip, but frustration was starting to bubble when the man just stood there. He looked nervous now, the innocent look replaced by question and Scott's face softened. He thinks I'm making a mistake. It dawned on Scott that maybe Mitch couldn't see the reasoning behind this and thought it was a bad idea. I'll have to show him it's not, then. Scott pushed back up and grabbed Mitch's hips and pulled toward him. Mitch took the step forward until he was in between Scott's knees and decided to stick to his plan of being still and watching. He let Scott push his jacket off and heard it hit the ground. Goosebumps waved across his skin as Scott's fingertips slipped under his t-shirt at his hips. He sucked in a breath as the hands slowly climbed his sides until reaching his armpits. Scott pushed a little and Mitch lifted his arms and allowed the shirt to be removed. Scott dropped it on the floor. He looked back up to Mitch and leaned back again onto his elbows. Mitch's eyes slid down the toned torso and rested on the zipper of his jeans. He still hesitated, not able to take advantage of a grieving Scott. A whisper broke the silence.

     "Please, I need you. I want you."

     And that was it. That was the confirmation he needed to make the next move. It stirred his insides and he was giddy. Being needed and wanted, especially by Scott, did wonders for his heart. He nodded and raised his hands from his sides to the button of Scott's jeans. He undid the zipper excruciatingly slow, then hooked his fingers at his hipbones and pulled forcefully down to slide them out from under him. When the pants were discarded on the floor, he looked up to see boxers pulled down just the right amount to reveal blond curls, and Mitch almost starting drooling. Scott looked up with a smug grin, weak, but there nonetheless. He placed his hands on either side of Scott's hips and leaned down to place a kiss in the dip of his pelvic muscle. He continued to place open-mouthed kisses upwards, sucking lightly. By the time he reached Scott's neck, he was leaning over the man, practically laying on him, and could feel him pressing into his stomach.

     Scott's breathing was fast and he turned his head to allow the seductress a bite and shivered when he felt the hot contact of Mitch's mouth to his neck. He couldn't keep his hands off anymore. He leaned forward, pushing Mitch off gently and quickly stood and reversed their positions. He leaned in hard and pressed their lips together. His tongue immediately pushing in and kissing the man roughly, smiling when Mitch met him with the same enthusiasm. He hooked an arm around his waist and lifted, scooting him farther back on the mattress. He disconnected their lips and undid Mitch's jeans pulling them down by the seam on his thighs and watched as it pulled the underwear with it. He swallowed thickly when sharp hip bones appeared. The stubborn bright red underwear clung to his body as the jeans were drug off and thrown away from them. Scott was now kneeling on the floor next to Mitch's feet. He started at the ankle, placing a kiss on the inside of it and slowly drug his tongue upwards, against the lines left over from the inside seam of the tight pants. When he reached the knee, he went to the other leg and repeated the process. He sunk his teeth into the inside of Mitch's thigh, then soothed it with light sucking and kisses. He did the same to the other thigh and when he stood up to look at Mitch, his breath was taken away.

     Mitch lay back on the bed, eyes closed and back arched. Noticing the cease in movement from Scott, Mitch opened his eyes and looked down. Scott's eyes were dangerously dark and it turned him on like nothing else. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and he watched as Scott slowly crawled over him. A hand went to his thighs to push them apart and he opened them eagerly, wanting to feel Scott's weight between his legs. He hovered above him a second before settling down against Mitch, loving the feel of the smaller man curling around him. He met their lips in a sweet kiss, before images of a life without his mother past through his brain.

     Mitch closed his eyes and kissed back, but something felt different. There was less emotion in Scott's body and he flinched when he felt something hit his cheek. He raised his hand to see what touched him and felt a wetness and immediately opened his eyes and pushed Scott back an inch. Scott opened his eyes at the push but his vision was blurry. He blinked the tears away and when his eyes could finally see Mitch's face his cheeks were wet. Scott couldn't hold back the sob as the intrusive images continued to flood his brain and he collapsed onto Mitch.

     "I've got you. It's okay. I've got you. Just let it out." He continued to soothe Scott until his legs were numb under the weight and he attempted to scoot upwards on the bed. Scott's breathing slowed back to normal and he lifted when he felt Mitch struggle to move out from underneath him, he scooted up the bed with him. The shame he felt kept him from looking at Mitch's face. He thought this is what he needed, but maybe he was mistaken. Scott sighed heavily as he settled under the covers facing the ceiling. He closed his eyes. Mitch stilled next to him when he got comfortable.

     "I'm sorry." He let the words out into the air, honestly feeling bad for starting something he couldn't finish. He was ashamed that he even attempted sex on a night like this.

     "Don't apologize. Now isn't the time and that's okay. I'm here for whatever you need." He rolled away from Scott and backed up until he bumped into him. Scott turned to face him, molding his body against Mitch. He squeezed him tight against his chest.

     "Thank you. Goodnight, Mitchie." Mitch felt a kiss on his ear and another to the back of his head.

     "Goodnight, Scotty."

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