Chapter 10

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     Wednesday went pretty much the same as Tuesday, except Scott and Mitch were able to wake up much earlier and have breakfast with Mike and Nel. Mitch was extremely happy with the extra time he was getting with Connie before he was heading back to LA and they left the hospital with happy faces. Scott dropped Mitch off at his house before going back to his, insisting that Mitch should spend some alone time with his parents. Mitch was grateful but couldn't but help feeling bad for not spending his time with Scott. They spent the whole evening playing cards and dominoes and laughing so hard they cried. Eleven pm rolled around and Mitch decided he was gonna call Scott to see if he wanted to come sleep here again. He wasn't gonna make Scott spend his time alone if he really needed someone. His heart sped up when it started ringing.

     "Hey." Scott's soft tone warmed his heart and he smiled.

     "Hey. I was just thinking about going to bed and I was wondering if you wanted to come over again tonight." There was a short pause before Scott replied.

     "Do you want me to?" This wasn't part of the plan. Mitch was here because Scott needed help in his time of need, not the other way around.

     "Um... I was just asking in case you needed to. Thought maybe you couldn't sleep so that's why you were staying over here?" he was a little nervous for the response.

     "I don't want to intrude on your space, Mitch. Yeah, I can actually sleep over there, but I don't want to do anything that you don't really want." That's really nice, Mitch thought, taken aback by the consideration Scott was showing towards him.

     "You are more than welcome to come over here, Scotty. I doubt I could dislike anything you do, you're too kind." Hopefully, that was a good enough answer to convince the blonde to come over.

     "Okay, sure, I'll be over in ten." Mitch heard the line cut off and he walked around his room slowly getting ready for bed. About ten minutes later, he received an "I'm here" text, and walked to the front door to let Scott in.

     As they both were settling into bed, Scott rolled over to face Mitch and scooted up close. Mitch got the hint when a hand pushed on his hip to roll him, and he scooted back into the large chest that was behind him. The feeling of Scott's chest against his back made his stomach bubble and he sighed deeply, relaxing into the familiar body behind him. Scott always emitted the perfect amount of heat and he has always felt safe and comfortable with him. Another twinge of guilt passed through Mitch, but it was quickly pushed to the back of his mind. He was starting to remember why he was never in a long-term relationship when living with Scott.


     "Hey." Mitch was pleasantly surprised by the deep voice. He had been awake for a little bit watching the room slowly lighten with the rising sun. Scott's hand dragged across his stomach and settled on his hip. "I know you are awake. I can feel you thinking." Mitch chuckled.

     "I'm not thinking too hard. Just a tad worried about leaving Connie, and my flight later, and how I'm gonna handle all the stuff I have to do when I get home." Scott propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at the man facing the window. He's just as beautiful as I remember. Maybe even more so. Scott's hand tightened on the slender hip at his thoughts.

     "You could stay," Scott said simply and Mitch sighed. He would like to stay, but his career was calling him back and he didn't want to risk anything. He had worked too hard to mess up this early and lose the respect he was building within the industry.

     "I have a photo shoot for the cover of Vogue first thing tomorrow morning, and it could really change my whole career. I can't miss it. I'm sorry, Scott."

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