28. Lap nap

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I was greeted by my parents, crying their souls out.

Hyoju? What did you do?

"M-mom? D-dad?" I gulped as their heads whipped into my direction.
I flinched as they jumped up.

They ran to me and tackled me in a hug, still sobbing.

"Taehyung-ah!" My mother sobbed.

"My son!" My father sobbed as well.

I think that's the first time I saw them crying.

"We're sorry for kicking you out."

"We're sorry for being bad parents."

"We're sorry for telling you who to love."

"We're sorry for everything."

They hugged me tightly and sobbed.

"Mom, dad, it's fine. You both are perfect parents." I tried hugging them back.

"No, your friend is totally right, we should've been better parents to you."

"No mom. It's fine, really." They let go of me and wiped their tears away.

"Can you forgive your stupid parents?"

"Forever and always." I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Oh you got the looks of your mother and the smile of your father, that's so cute." We turned around and saw Hyoju stand there with a bright smile.

"Hyoju!" I yelled and tackled her in a hug.

"I told you to leave the talking to me." She laughed and patted my back.

"So honey..." I turned back to my mother. "Who's that handsome boy?"

I look at where see was looking and saw Jungkook. I took his hand and dragged him in front of my parents.

"May I introduce you. This is my boyfriend. Jeon Jungkook." I smiled brightly at them.

"I'm Jungkook. It's an honor to meet the parents of the person I love." He bowed down and I blushed.

Geez Kookie, why do you always have to be so sweet?

"We welcome you into this family." My dad said with a smile.

Hyoju squealed and jumped around us. "I'm so good. Thank me later. This is so cute!"

We all laughed at her and she just continued to jump around.

After some time we said goodbye and left my parents house. Hyoju still had one thing to do.
Yoongi Hyungs pretend girlfriend.

"But Noona, what did you do?" I looked over to Jungkook.

"Me?" Hyoju smiled. "Oh Jungkook, you're too young to understand."

"I'm just one year younger."

"One year too young to understand." She winked.

"But really. What did you do?"

She looked at me. "Oh you know, said this, said that, made them feel a bit guilty, told them some stories and they started to cry about being bad parents and that they want you back so I texted Kookie and well, you know the rest." She huffed.

"But what did you say?" I tilted my head.

"That's my little secret." She placed a finger in front of her lips and winked.

Hyoju's p.o.v.

We entered the gym again and everyone turned to us.

"And?" They asked in unison.

"And I'm prefect." I flipped my hair back.

"As expected of my best friend!" Seokjin exclaimed and came up to me.

"I'm hurt!" Namjoon gasped.

"How did it go?" Hobi asked.

"She made his parents cry." Jungkook said and sat down on a bench.

"Wow, scary." Yoongi grinned.

"Be careful mister or I'll make your parents cry as well." I scoffed.

"Please do." He clapped his hands together and bowed his head.

"Geez I was joking." I slumped down next to him on the couch.
"I'm good, I'm done."

(A/N: bless your soul if you get this.)

"Soooo..." Yoongi started.

"Soooo what?" I groaned.

"What about my problem?"

"Tomorrow. I'm exhausted and I need to mentally prepare." I leaned my head back.

"For what?" He poked my cheek.

"Meeting some rich parents and pretending to be your girlfriend." I sighed. "I mean, I have no idea what a girlfriend does and I don't know how your parents want your girlfriend to be."

"Don't worry about that. I'll do the talking." He poked my cheek again.

"That's the same thing she said to me." Taehyung yelled happily.

I smiled. "Yeah, yeah."

"So?" I turned my face to Yoongi without opening my eyes.

"So what?" I asked and opened them. His face was facing mine, eyes directly staring into mine.

"Let's do it this afternoon? You wouldn't need to stress about it for long. The sooner it's over the better, right?"

I nodded. "I guess." I turned my head away. "But let me sleep for a few hours." I closed my eyes.

"Sure." He said and I drifted off to sleep.

I didn't even realize that I was this tired. This whole talk with Taehyung's parents was much more energy draining than I thought.

Without really taking it in I felt someone turning me around. I felt something soft under my head and I was now lying on the couch.

Mhm, that's way more comfortable.

After a long relaxing nap I felt someone shake my shoulder.

I whined a bit and turned, my face landing into an even softer object. My hands went up to my face and I grabbed the material in front of me.
It was a shirt, wasn't it?
That object where my face was buried in was a stomach, wasn't it?
This scent of mint and strawberry was Yoongi, wasn't it?

"Hey Hyoju wake up." Yoongi's voice was gentle and raspy. He rubbed my arm up and down in a comfortable manner.

I turned back onto my back.
My head was lying on his lap the whole time, wasn't it?

"Hyoju, wake up or Yoongi will kiss you." I heard Seokjin chuckled.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked at Yoongi's face that was above mine.
He was way too close but from his look I know that he didn't intend on kissing me.

"I'm awake." I squeaked out.

He leaned back. I sat up, my head leaving his lap. My eyes were wide. I was sleeping on his lap the whole time. And I just buried my face into his stomach. I could feel my cheeks redden.

"Aw is someone flustered?" Seokjin teased.

"Shut up." I said at the same time as someone next to me. I turned to Yoongi and he was looking at me as well. His cheeks had a red flush.

"Aw just get together~" Seokjin sang.

"It's not like I like her/him." Shit we're such tsundere people. I sighed and stood up.

"You guys woke me up so what do you want?"

"Be Yoongi's girlfriend for the next few hours at his parents house." Namjoon said as he closed a book he was reading.

I nodded. "Right."

A/N: If you wait for the waiter, doesn't that make you the waiter?

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