52. His proposal

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"Mommy!" I felt something jump onto my legs and crawl up.
"Mommy, wake up!" I was being shaken by my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes.

"What is it, honey?" I asked groggily as the blurriness slowly subsided.
On top of me was sitting my daughter, grinning at me.

"Daddy said to wake you up, he made breakfast." Yoonhye said happily and let herself fall next to me. She started poking my face in an attempt to get me awake.

"Okay. I'm awake, I'm awake. Just let me change." I giggled as I softly swatted her hands away from my face, repeatedly.

She jumped up and let me do my morning routine. As I went downstairs I could hear Juyoon and Yoonju cry, together with a stressed out Yoongi.
I giggled as I entered the kitchen, seeing Yoongi trying to get the twins to stop crying and Yoonhye was taking out plates and setting them on the table, like the responsible five year old she is.

"Yoongi you're going to burn breakfast, let me handle the twins." I chuckled softly as I pushed him away from the kids.

"Thanks and," he pecked my lips. "Good morning beautiful." He grinned as he went back to cooking.

I picked up the two boys into my arms and they immediately stopped crying as they nuzzled into me.
"If you would be around more, and not only in your studio, they would love you a tad bit more, you know."

"Oh, shut up and sit down, breakfast is ready." He groaned and decorated the plates with deliciousness.

"Mommy, you said you'll tell me about the day daddy proposed to you." Yoonhye said while biting into her pancake.

"Oh, did I?" She nodded furiously and I giggled. "Well let's start with the little promise he made me do." I grinned at Yoongi's embarrassed face as he fed Yoonju, just like I fed Juyoon.


Hyoju's p.o.v.

We were all sitting in the gym, not the old one but the one the school is using for events and such.
So, you might have guessed, we are sitting here because of our ceremony.
Well, our as in, Yoongi's, Namjoon's, Hoseok's, Jin's and mine. The other three would graduate a year later.

As everything ended and only the representatives of the classes had to say something, I was surprised to see Yoongi walk up the stage. He made some speech, like every representative, and then sighed.

"Now that we're done with the boring part." Some giggles from the audience brough a smile onto his face. "I wanted to make a promise with someone very special to me."
He looked for me in the crowd and smiled.
"Chun Hyoju. This is not a proposal but a promise from me to you and hopefully from you to me."
Everyone was either staring at me or him.
"I promise to you that you'll be the only woman in my life that I will love with my whole heart and I promise to you that someday, I'll ask you to be my bride."
A lot of Aww's were thrown around the gym and I couldn't help but get red.
"Hyoju, will you promise me the same?"

Now all the attention was on me and I couldn't help but bury my face into my hands. This was too much attention and I was completely uncomfortable. I peeked through my fingers and saw everyone waiting for my answer.
As I couldn't get any words out I just nodded and cheers erupted from the students.

Well, that was the promise but let's skip to the next day, evening.

"Hyoju! Your boyfriend's waiting for you!" Grace shouted and I ran down the stairs.

"Sorry! I'm done! I finished!" I successfully tied my hair into a ponytail with all the rush. "My shoes, my shoes..."
My mom held up two black pumps that were matching my black dress.
"Ah mom, thanks a lot." I snatched the pumps and quickly wore them.

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