11:03 A.M.

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You checked your watch, tapping your foot anxiously. You were waiting impatiently for your papers to get done being copied on the copy machine. The fact that the deadline was crawling towards you as time slowly ticked by gave you utter stress and fear. Would you be fired? You can't afford it. Your electric bill is already overdue, and you were using candles by now. Not a good sign. You brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair to the side. You let out a great sigh.

Adulting was hard. You thought that every adult was overreacting when they said that phrase. It meant nothing to you. 'Adulting must be easier than the things I go through in school!' That's what your 9 year old self thought at the time. You were 23 years old now.

You sighed in relief as the papers finally got done on the copy machine. You scooped them up in your arms and hurried off down the blandly colored hall. The only thing you heard were your rushed footsteps. You eventually got to your work space and got down to business. You scribbled a few things on a notepad. You began to sweat as your boss loudly walked over to your cubical after checking in on Mr. Timman. Something about keeping his pink rollerscates off at all times..

Oh well! Your boss looked at you with expectant eyes. "Well?" The middle-aged woman eyed you. Her raven colored hair had gray streaks as it was tied up in a formal bun, not a hair out of place. She had wrinkles everywhere on her possibly formal soft features, giving them a rough and tired look. Her red lips were chapped from the crisp air outside the 15 story office building. She was dressed from head to toe in a proper brown blouse finished with a long, black skirt and 2 inch heels.

You nervously tried to explain your crisis. "W-Well-- Ma'am... You see--"

She sharply cut you off. "Ms. (L/N), I don't have the time for your pathetic excuses anymore!" Her harsh tone caught the attention of your co-workers. Your co-workers sneered as this predicament happened almost every day of the week. It was their daily entertainment that made work worth while.

You pursed your lips, biting back the desire to tell everyone in the work facility to go fuck themselves. You thought of another excuse. "Mrs. Barrow, you see, my father was in town. And I wanted to see him." You lied through your teeth.

The woman's eyebrow twitched upwards as you tried to tell by her expression if she bought your lie. Her raspy answer told you she did. "Ah.. I see. Spending time with your family. I see.. I hope you had a good time, Ms. (L/N)." The woman proceeded back to her office.

You sighed. You just wanted the day to be over with.

----....---.....-----...A little bit later---..---..--

You were in your car on your way home, thumbs tapping against the steering wheel. You thought over the hectic day. Almost getting fired. The copy machine. Everything. You glanced out your window and was immediately intrigued as you caught a glimpse of orange near the sign that read, Rosswood Park. Your brain raced as you thought of different scenarios. 'Don't be silly! It's just a pile of leaves!'
You told yourself. Yeah. That's definitely what it was. It was mid-fall after all.

You pulled into your driveway, scurrying off into your house, cracking open a soda. You took a gulp and scurried off to your room. You threw on a T-shirt and sweats, jumping into bed. Ding! You glanced and reached for your phone, looking at the text message sent by your mother.

Hey, (Y/N)! We're gonna meet your boss tomorrow morning! Be ready to have breakfast ready for 5!

Oh. That was just fantastic. Your lie was going to be debunked. And this was a new record. In under a day. Usually you got figured out in at least a week. But now, a day. You'll just figure out how to keep your lie a secret. In the morning. Now, you just wanted to sleep. You closed your eyes at 11:03 A.M.


Word count: 708 words

Welp! There's the first chapter! Hope you lovelies enjoyed!

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